Guest Post- Ed Damas

Written by Bill Grandi on November 6th, 2024

I recently wrote a blog about Faith vs. Feelings using Psalm 13 as the basis. You can find that post here. Following that post, a long-time reader of my blog, Ed Damas, sent me something he wrote. I asked his permission to share it with you.

Recently my faith was strongly shaken, to the point that I cried out to Jesus, again, after so many seasons.
I wrote this one night:

And immediately the rooster crowed a second time. And Peter remembered how Jesus had said to him, “Before the rooster crows twice, you will deny me three times.” And he broke down and wept. (Mark 14:70-72)
 Think about that! Peter BELIEVED in Jesus, and yet when Jesus himself told him that he would deny knowing Jesus.. Peter’s answer was “NEVER! I will never deny You!”
Yet that is exactly what happened.
So Peter realized an awesome truth: That Jesus WAS who He said he was, and that everything that Jesus preached, did, and was going to do, proved that Jesus was the real thing!
Peter’s faith was shaken… so much so that he denied knowing Jesus, yet through it all, Jesus proved who he was over and over again… Right up to the point (and afterwards) that He appeared in the midst of the disciples in a room where the doors were shut and probably locked.
Jesus is working the same way today with those of us who choose to follow Him. Despite all the doubts, worries, troubles, etc.. Jesus knows that at some point we will ultimately deny Him. But Jesus also knows our hearts better than anyone ever will… And He WILL manifest HIS glory to us so that even in when our faith is at it’s weakest, even when our belief tells us that Jesus isn’t working, He WILL manifest Himself to our being. Because the truth is that when God works.. Jesus also works!
Have Faith. Believe!

Ed was able to relate to the story of David in Psalm 13 and to realize that feelings are an unreliable testimony to the reality of our faith. Feelings are fickle. I suspect Ed is not alone is what he wrote about. Here is what I would like to do: next Monday I am having knee replacement surgery. I have no clue what to expect or how it will affect my blogging. However, if you have a story to tell I would love to include it on my blog, especially while I am rehabbing. So email me your story and I will be glad to have you as a guest blogger. Try, if possible, to keep it around 500 words or less if possible. I am at 445 right now. 


4 Comments so far ↓

  1. I love Ed’s thoughts here, Bill. Thanks for sharing with us here, my friend. Blessings!

  2. gail says:

    Thanks for sharing Ed. If I am being honest at one time or another I am like the boy’s father in Mark 9:24. I believe but doubt can slip in. I have to ask God,to help me to overcome my disbelief. There are times in my life where I do not stand up for the Lord as I should. I can be like David in so many Psalms, the beginning of my pray is asking God why, but ending on the promises that God has already made.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      Being honest, Gail. I would have to admit to having doubt creep in from time to time. Oh…I KNOW God’s in control and I know I need to trust but the old man wants to creep in.