December 2

Written by Bill Grandi on December 2nd, 2024

December 2nd! Hard to believe, isn’t it, that Christmas is a mere 23 days away. In the church world, we have already begun preparing for that day. In yesterday’s message, I made a statement that I firmly believe in. It is one, I said, you can drive a nail through. That statement was God remembers His promises; God remembers His people.

Due to a messed up sleep schedule from the knee surgery, as well as rehab appointments in the early morning, I have had to adjust my time when I have my daily devotions. But I have still tried to stay on track each day. For this season, part of my time is using Everyday Gospel Christmas Devotional by Paul David Tripp. Keeping in mind the statement I made yesterday in my message, this is what Tripp’s December 2nd devotion said:

“When I read the story of Abraham and Sarah’s long wait for a promised son, I think of another Son that was promised. The hope of the world rested on the shoulders of this promised Son, but as century followed century, it seemed as though this Son would never come. But one night in a stable in Bethlehem, to a lowly carpenter and his wife the promised Messiah came. Nothing in all of those centuries that has passed was able to stop the promised of God. Jesus, Son of Man, Son of God, the Lamb, the Savior was born at just the right time to provide justification, reconciliation, forgiveness, and new life to all who believe. God’s promises are not limited by human weakness or the passage of time. Don’t give way to fear; God will do what He has promised to do.”

Those words by PDT simply confirm what I said. God remembers His promises; God remembers His people. Long thought forsaken, God’s people had virtually given up looking for their Messiah. But God was not done yet. He brought to fruition every word He ever said; every act He ever did; every feast ever enacted, by the birth of a tiny baby in the city of Bethlehem. God in the flesh, the Messiah, Jesus.

My hope and prayer for you and for me is that the awareness of God’s gift becomes even more alive in us as we celebrate His birth this month.


6 Comments so far ↓

  1. Glory be to God who always remembers His promises and His people! May we all celebrate His steadfast love and grace that we don’t deserve.
    Blessings, Bill!

  2. Ryan S. says:

    Your narrative in the 4th paragraph I believe not only represents Israel and their hopes of the coming Messiah not yet revealed… but also followers of Jesus today. The longing for Jesus and His second coming to end the chaos and confusion in this current time. And just as Israel had virtually given up, how many of those who have professed their faith to Christ. Christmas time is a good reminder of God’s promise to us then… and His ongoing promise now. He will never leave us or forsake us.

    Truly a gift… and one that doesn’t have to be saved for December 25th. We can unwrap His gift to us any time and sooner the better.

    Thanks for the perspective.

  3. gail says:

    Great devotion Bill. God’s promises are always kept, and His words are the absolute truth. I know in my own pray life, sometimes I feel like my prayers are just sitting in a long line in the waiting room. My patience is not always the best, but then I remember God says pray without ceasing. I am reminded that God is always at work, and if I just focus on the big answer I may miss the little steps that God has given me to do. The Bible teaches us why waiting is important, and to never give up hope. Sometimes I need to go reread the book of Hebrews the hero’s of faith, to give me encouragement.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      Waiting is not a strong suit of mine either Gail. 🙂 Being in God’s waiting room is never fun, but sometimes necessary. Thanks for the encouragement to keep praying.

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