December 3

Written by Bill Grandi on December 3rd, 2024


I am not ADHD- not by a long shot. But I guess I can be mistaken for that occasionally, When I get involved in something, I get involved-sometimes too quickly, too obsessively, and too energetically. This can lead to rash actions (unfortunately) and also hurt feelings.

Case in point: After having the knee replacement on November 11th, I have what could be called “cabin fever.” (It is 11/23 as I write this particular entry). I call it “a desire to get out of the house.” Jo calls it “pushing it.” You can see the source of conflict already without me saying so. Can’t you? I went to my first post-op yesterday (22nd) with the surgeon and his PA gave me some freedom. I can start going to the office. I can go to the Y as long as I’m careful (I can walk and do upper body strength conditioning. Sadly, no bike yet). I immediately began talking about going to the office next week and the Y. That met with resistance even though the PA said I could. Me? I want to dive all the way in.

Jesus told a parable in Matthew 13 about a farmer sowing seed. Some seed fell on hard ground; some on rocky soil; some among thorns; and some on good soil. That second soil is what I have in mind. There are some who hear the Word and it sprouts up. They grow like wildfire. But they grew too fast without getting roots. The plant soon wilts-they soon wilt-because of the heat. I’m eager to get my life back to the way it was. I’m ready to get back all gung-ho. Meanwhile, I have someone putting on the brakes, someone (whom I think) wants to clip my wings. In all honesty, I really do believe she has my best interest in mind. 🙂 I guess there needs to be a happy medium?

BTW: I won’t even tell you when the PA told me I could start driving again, nor will I tell you Jo’s reaction! 🙂 🙂

{Note: I did honor Jo and waited until the 25th to make my first trip to the Y. We attended worship with the church family together on the 24th and left after I had a chance to visit for a few minutes and the music started for the start of the second service (and I used the walker for safety’s sake). I did go to a staff meeting on Wednesday, the 27th.  My first time driving was the 27th}.



10 Comments so far ↓

  1. Ryan S says:

    Glad you are pacing yourself! More importantly, I am glad to hear that it sounds like you are recovering well!

  2. Cabin fever? I’d say you have a classic case, Bill, and I can understand why. You are naturally someone who craves activity and doing for others. Maybe, though, slowing down a bit is what God wants for you during this Advent season. Just a thought . . .

    • Bill Grandi says:

      I’ve given slowing down some thought Martha. A very slim thought. 🙂 But you are right in that I should allow this season to motivate me to do just that.

  3. gail says:

    Bill I am happy, you seem to be recovering much quicker than anyone I have seen go through a knee replacement. I believe you had so many people lifting you up in prays and that those prayers were heard and answered. Keep being a good patient, and appreciate some down time, and keep on Jo’s good side. God is a great healer, and may all the praise and glory be His.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      Thank you Gail for the kind words. If I had had my way, I would have been an immediate recover-er. ‘Course there are some things sheer willpower won’t let happen. 🙂 I do give credit to all the people praying for me and for God’s healing. I do give the glory and honor to Him.

  4. Pam says:

    It is difficult to pace ourselves. We get grumpy and impatient with others as well as ourselves. There is a time for everything and it seems this is your time to take it easy. Praying for continued healing for you and patience for both you and Jo! lol!😂

    • Bill Grandi says:

      Yes it is hard to pace ourselves Pam. I am certainly finding that out as I tire more quickly as the day moves on. My PT reminded me just yesterday that I had a traumatic invasion of my body and I need to give it time to heal. All I can say is, “Grumpy? Me grumpy?” Thanks for the continued prayers Pam.

  5. Ed says:

    Whoa Old man!!! You are giving us young bucks the idea that we can fly like Iron Man… Slow down there!
    Hahahaha. I know what you mean though. We got a whole lotta living to do. It’s nice that you have someone to keep you in check!

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