January 27

Written by Bill Grandi on January 27th, 2025

As I sit down at my computer to write this morning, I’m speechless…or is that write-less?  I could complain and say I am super tired. Which I am. (I have been up since 1:00 because my knee hurt and I could not find a comfortable zone). I could say my brain is mush after a long day yesterday of preaching, interacting, building relationships, studying, and drinking one bottle too many of Dr. Pepper Zero. (At the most I drink one every other day or so. I drank two yesterday afternoon. I think I’ll think twice before I do that again). To top it off I have a whopper of a headache that I have just now taken some ibuprofen to take care of (I do that very sparingly). Then when I got to the office the young people decided to “decorate” my office. I think it took me almost 1/2 hour to get it cleared out.

So what do I do? I remember a book I read last week by Jon Gordon called The No Complaining Rule. I just hate it when something I read comes home to roost so quickly. Well…not really but I wanted to get that off my chest! 🙂 Jon likes to write Leadership Fables and this was in an office setting of a company that just had a disaster hit its product. It is well worth the time to read it. It is a  quick read of 120 pages with suggestions after the story. One of the solutions to complaining is what I needed to practice and see again this morning. It is called Five Things to Do Instead of Complaining. I decided to practice them and to share them with you:

  1. Practice Gratitude. Counting our blessings changes our perspective and our attitude. I needed an AA (Attitude Adjustment) this morning to be thankful that I have wife and family who loves me; a church who is grateful for me and whom I love; for the two who made public confessions of their faith yesterday and then were baptized; and for another day vertical.
  2. Praise Others. Part of my sleeplessness last night was doing just this: how can I thank the two at the YMCA who opened early for us to use the pool for our baptisms?
  3. Focus on Success. We had a good day yesterday. Many pastors focus on numbers and I’ll admit I’m not immune to that (although I try to be). But from the very first note of our worship, I sensed God’s presence. I loved the songs we sang and one of our men did a bang up job (with help from his daughter and wife singing) on his Communion Meditation.
  4. Let Go. Focus on things we have control over, not those we don’t.
  5. Pray and Meditate. I will say Pray and Read Scripture. This morning I read Psalm 57 and 58, as well as Proverbs 27.  I triple dog dare you to read them. 🙂 

As I look this over, I have written more words than I thought I would. Guess that is what happens when you stop complaining!!


8 Comments so far ↓

  1. Ryan S. says:

    It is very easy to fall into a rut of negativity at times. The list of things to do instead is helpful. I would add one which would be to find a way to help someone else. Look for opportunities to focus on the needs of others. My prayer for you this morning includes relief from your headache and knee pain. Renewed energy from your sleepless night. A renewed focus and a day full of gratitude, hope and peace. Be well my friend, be well!

    • Bill Grandi says:

      That is a good one to add Ryan. I will do that in the sermon I am using it. And I have tears in my eyes knowing I have someone praying for me. Thanks my friend.

  2. Well, you have had quite the challenging 24 hours, Bill! Sounds like you could Uplifting and upholding prayers coming your way!

  3. gail says:

    That is great list for all of us Bill to remember and go to when we feel overwhelmed. I am reading through the book of JOB now as well as EG, and it can be a hard book at times to understand. It has so many lessons on the bigger spiritual realm picture, and the reminder that we do not wrestle with flesh and blood. My question while reading it is, would I be able to consider it blessing that God choose me to be strong enough to stand up to the evil ones schemes. Would I rely not on my own understanding, but trust God through it all, without why why why. Truth is, I would not be strong enough, I see my weakness immediately. Knowing what I need to do, but falling short of what I should do. Praying today for you Bill, that your aches and pains go away, and that you feel a renewed refreshness in all the areas of your life. Prayers and hugs coming your way.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      I ask myself the same question whenever I read a book like Job or a book by someone going through a really tough time. How would I handle it? Thanks for your prayers Gail. They are much needed and very much appreciated.

  4. These are great reminders here, Bill, when we are tempted to complain, that point to all the blessings we have each day. May we all have a gratitude attitude!

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