My title is Cry of submission vs Cry of Autonomy.
I have written before-as have others- of the cry of the heart that says, “I can’t do this anymore. I need help.” Along with that cry is a submission and realization that the ultimate Helper (God) is the only One left to go to. It truly becomes a struggle of submission vs autonomy.
In his book a SHELTER in the time OF STORM, Paul David Tripp comments on Psalm 27:3 which says, “Though an army encamp against me, my heart shall not fear.” He writes this:
So with rest in Your forgiveness and confidence in Your power, I come. With a needy heart that craves Your help, I pray, ‘Help me, Father, today to let go of my need to always understand. Enable me to live in rest when I don’t know before what will happen. Help me to have a restful heart when opposition is great, and all I have is you. (p.146)
After spending the previous part of the devotion speaking about what he can and cannot do; what he’s done and has not done; how he should be at rest but isn’t; Tripp writes the words above.
I have written in the past about the need to admit need. The absolute essential of coming to the end of ourselves and saying, “I have nothing left Father. Only You.” Oddly enough, it is when I come to that point that I can be most at rest.
There is one phrase that turned my head in the above quote. It was the phrase: “Help me, Father, today to let go of my need to always understand. Enable me to live in rest when I don’t know before what will happen.” I think it is part of human make-up (least it is mine) to want to know and understand. I’ve also noticed it is sometimes best I don’t understand AND certainly that I don’t know what will happen. While my DeLorean Time Machine may sound good, it is not good to understand all and know all. First, where’s the adventure in that? 🙂 Second, how can I trust when I already know?
“Father, help me to not worry about the future or about knowing the answer to life on earth. Your sovereignty tells me you are in charge and all is well in Your hand. Help me to be submissive to Your plan and Your will and give up my desire for autonomy.”
There is something to be said about not knowing what is around the corner. Sometimes knowing causes hesitation and additional unnecessary anxiety. I need to learn to live a life that trusts that regardless of what happens, God has a plan. The plan may involve some blood, sweat, and tears, but in the end God will pull me through it. Jesus is the evidence and promise of that.
I agree Ryan. I’m not sure knowing is a wise thing. Imagine how much our life would change if we did? I think trust would be out the window for one. Thanks for the comment.
Bill, I woke up today with multiple worries plaguing my heart. Your words here spoke deeply to me. I simply need to submit, once again, to God, knowing I don’t have to have all the answers, and can simply rest in His love.
Thank you for that Martha. I’m glad i was able to be used for you. Praying your worries will disappear or you will see His hand helping you.
Awesome post and quote. I’ve lived this often in life. And you’re right; at the end of our rope is where we find His hand of sovereign grace… and His peace.
Thanks for the wonderful reminder.
Thank you Floyd. I, too, loved that quote. Glad I was able to draw you to Him.