I’ve been in Ohio helping Jo close up and clean up her sister’s apartment so I have been unable to post my devotions early in the morning. Nor have I been able to even post them since there is no internet there. I find myself at McDonalds using their wifi to post the past two days and today’s devotion. I guess I can’t tell people I don’t go into Mickey D’s anymore. 🙂 Anyway, here it today’s devotion.
My title for today’s devotion is Patience vs. Insolence.
I was thinking this morning (I know…dangerous) as I was reading the Scriptures how patient God is when man’s insolence is involved. I’ve been reading in 2 Kings the past few days, and while my head is spinning in my inability to get a hold of all the kings and then they lived, etc, one thing I haven’t had trouble doing is seeing their disobedience and insolence so prevalent in the kings. Just this morning starting at 2 Kings 10:32 and stopping at 13:21, my mind is boggled by the number of kings and their disobedience.
But the fact that God hung in there with them is a testimony to His faithfulness and grace. Then I read these words from Psalm 116:5- “Gracious is the Lord, and righteous; our God is merciful.” How appropriate a description. 3 words:
- Gracious
- Righteous
- Merciful
They sure describe God during the kings period. And they sure describe Him during this time of our history. I am truly amazed at God’s graciousness with His people. If it wasn’t for grace we would be toast. Our approval of abortion, homosexuality, ungodliness and other sins has to hurt His heart. But His grace continues. His mercy continues. His righteousness is everlasting, but someday it will all end as it did with Israel and Juday.
“Father, may I not be the one who shows insolence toward You-Your grace, righteousness, and mercy. Help me to be true to you.”
Yes, the disobedience on display in this book of the Bible is overwhelming, to say the least, Bill. So thankful we have a God of grace, righteousness and mercy still in this day and age.
I only have to look in the mirror to recognize God’s mercy and grace. I wouldn’t be here otherwise. As for his righteousness… I have a long way to go to get there.
Continue to keep you and Jo in prayer.
I couldn’t agree more, Bill. We’re shown grace and mercy so far above what any of us, including the lost, deserve.
We use His gifts to mock Him… God help us see our way to Him!