
Written by Bill Grandi on July 7th, 2019

I started writing this July 4th in the evening but failed to finish when my brother-in-law came in and started talking. So I finished it this morning. Used it for a Communion Thought, then decided to record it here. I am back from Sandusky for about 2-3 weeks until I have to return to drive a moving van back. Jo will be heading up there for a few days each of the next three weeks to hopefully pack things away and get financial stuff squared away.  Your prayers for her safety would be much appreciated.  Here’s the devotion:

My title for this devotion is Freedom that costs nothing vs Freedom that costs something or everything.

Today is Independence Day. A day we, as Americans, have one of two responses to: indifference or patriotism.

The indifference I don’t understand. {Enter Bob, Jo’s brother. The rest is written today, July 7th} In spite of its difficulties, we still live in the greatest country on the planet. I lived during the ’60s and experienced Kent State, the protests and all the other garbage that went on. I didn’t approve of it then; I don’t approve of it now.

Jo had the news on last night and they had a story of a 21 year old Marine whose life was forever changed on 9/11. He told him mom then that he would catch whoever did that. Bin Laden is long dead (Hooray!) but he kept his promise to fight the evil and joined the Marines after his high school graduation. He lost his life at the age of 21 in Afghanistan. She was not kind to Colin Kapernick in her speech.

Indifference to the cost paid by others for our freedom is unconscionable. That mother certainly wasn’t indifferent.

So it is with Jesus. Freedom isn’t really free. It costs something. Sometimes everything. It cost the lives of men and women since 1776. Over 2000 years ago it cost the life of our Savior so we might be free. Our freedom cost His life.  So our freedom from sin wasn’t free. Indifference for us is not an option.

“Father, may I never grow jaded and indifferent to your love and sacrifice for me. You have said, ‘You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free.‘  Help me to know true freedom which comes from you.”


2 Comments so far ↓

  1. I’ve never understood people’s indifference or downright hatred for this country, the most free and prosperous in the world. And we should never, ever forget the sacrifices of men and women made to protect our freedoms. Most of all, let us give thanks to Jesus for giving us ultimate freedom in Him.
    Blessings, Bill, and my prayers will continue!

  2. floyd says:

    Love the analogy, Bill. Sacrifice is the ultimate way to show love…

    Praying for Jo and a safe trip.