My apologies for not entering a devotion yesterday. We were in Ohio and conditions were not very conducive to meditation, journaling and then typing. For some of the thoughts I had yesterday, check out my post on my other blog here. Now…for today:
There has always been one parable of Jesus that stuck out to me. Maybe it was due to the fact that I didn’t understand it very well until someone took the time to explain and illustrate it. Now I relish it. Backstory first.
I grew up in a Christian home. My mother’s desire was to follow Jesus. She married a man who did not have that same desire for the long haul, but she tried to make it happen. My dad went to church but his passion was not hers. But I can remember that from an early age my heart sought God. As I got older, I learned there were those who didn’t think as I did. (Imagine that). But when you are young you just don’t think of eternity. As a pastor I saw people at different stages of their faith journey. And I saw those who rejected it. I used to reject death bed confessions as being legitimate because of my “baptism obsession.” But then I led someone to the Lord who (quite literally) was on his deathbed. He died within hours of his confession.
Enter the parable in Matthew 20:1-16 of the laborers who receive equal wages. One group had worked all day; another part of the day; another part of the day; and another like maybe the last hour or so. When it came time to pay them, they were all paid the same. Of course, those who had worked all day saw a major payday when those who worked only an hour or so were paid what they had agreed to. They were upset that those who worked a small portion of the day received the same as them. It was explained that they had agreed to a certain pay.
When it comes to eternity, whether someone is a “lifer” like me; or a young adult conversion; or a 40 something conversion; or a deathbed confession (like Dan), the reward of eternity in heaven is the same for all. I’m glad God makes no distinction of when. He only says, “Come.”
“Thank you, Father, for ‘equal opportunity.’ Thank you that no matter when a person comes he or she comes knowing you will accept him/her and give eternal life as a gift.”
Wow, Pastor Bill, I never equated Matthew 20:1-16 with anyone being a “lifer” or “sliding in” before death. Wow! To me that is profound! Thank you.
You’re welcome Diane. Glad it made you think.
I have always believed one could get saved right before death so glad to see this written out in the Word. My Dad got saved the night before he died. I always think of him as the thief on the cross. God cleared his brain that was destroyed by drinking and a massive stroke up long enough for my husband to once again tell him the gospel. The stroke destroyed Dad speech but that night he spoke as if there had been no stroke. To me, that is the core of God’s love for mankind. He truely does not see the past or hold anything against the person when the gospel is given. It’s a power of grace to it’s fullest for any of us. Great post.
I’m glad for your father Betty. And I’m glad for the power of grace.
Your take on this parable is one I’ve had for quite some time, Bill. Not sure when I first realized it, but simply glad I did. Yes, our Father does give equal opportunity to all.
I’m glad to know I’m not alone. 🙂 Thanks Martha.