I’d like to continue with the thought from yesterday’s devotion (July 8). What to do about the risen Christ?
A number of theories (“proofs”) have been put forth concerning the empty tomb.
- Jesus just swooned on the cross. He passed out from all the torture; was put in the tomb; revived in a cold, damp tomb; then had the strength to push the stone away. I suspect somewhere in there He also had to over power the guards. Seriously? The more one thinks of that the more ridiculous it sounds.
- The ladies went to the wrong tomb. Does that sound as silly to you as it does to me, especially given the fact that both Matthew and Mark tell us they were there when they laid Jesus in the tomb AND they even prepared the body with spices and oils. (Luke 23)
There are other theories-just as silly- but I think one of the most incredulous was actually given during that time: the disciples came and stole the body. Matthew 29 records that lie. But what is absolutely “insane” is how it went down:
- The guards report the body is gone.
- The guards were bribed by the religious leaders to tell the lie of the stolen body.
- The guards accept the bribe and spread the lie.
- The religious leaders promise protection (if Pilate should hear word of it) to the guards.
One big question: if the guards were asleep, how did they know the disciples stole the body? As Biff says to George McFly (Back to the Future 1), “Hello! Think McFly! Think!” Think people. Think! Does not that lousy excuse for the reason sound more more unbelievable as you think about it? And here is another question: what about those soldiers? To live with that lie over your head and to know you betrayed your army? To be black-balled in the eyes of your fellow soldiers? No thanks.
Seems to me it takes more “faith” to believe a lie than to believe the truth that Jesus rose from the dead.
“Father, the evidence of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead piles up, especially when one considers how ridiculous the theories sound. I state again how I will stake all I have on the resurrected Christ.”
Ironically, Bill, it does take more “faith” to believe any lie. There is no doubt in my mind that Jesus was resurrected. Period! Why else would His disciples risked life and limb to spread the Good News?
I believe you are absolutely correct Martha. Thanks for the comment.