July 10

Written by Bill Grandi on July 10th, 2020

One of my favorite passages (I have a lot of them) in the Bible is found in John 21 where Jesus has His exchange with Peter at the Sea of Tiberias. I like it because I feel like Peter is me.

The story is familiar to most. Peter, James and John, Thomas, Nathaniel, and two other disciples (not named) were fishing when they saw Jesus on the shore. ‘Course Peter does the Peter thing and puts on his outer garment and plunges into the sea. But Peter was in for a huge surprise. He turned around and helped the others bring the catch in (it sounds like Peter may have done it himself). Then it was time.

Jesus twice asked Peter, “Do you love me?”

Peter twice answered, ” Yes I like you.”

Jesus then asked him if he even liked him.

Peter grieved said, “You know I do.”

The words used by Jesus and Peter are different. When Jesus used a word for love He used the word for total commitment (agape’). Peter’s word was for love but not necessarily total commitment (philos). Same with the second time.  The third time Jesus uses Peter’s word.

I am Peter. Jesus asks me for my total commitment and I, admittedly, hold back. Fortunately, Jesus is as patient with me as He was with Peter. I love Him for that!!

“Father, may my heart and desire be one of total commitment to you. May I not offer you ‘partial me’ but ‘complete me.’ May Your question to me end with ‘Bill, do you love me?’ “


1 Comments so far ↓

  1. I have been in Peter’s shoes many a time, Bill. May we all offer our complete selves to Jesus, not just part of us.