One of the passages I like in Acts is found in 4:1-22. Following the healing of the lame man (chapter 3) word spread. It’s one of those something-good-happened-and-I-can’t-keep-quiet-about-it things. Peter and John were arrested by the religious leaders and verse 4 says those who came to faith numbered 5000 men! I believe if I was a religious leader I’d be worried too. To capsulize this story, here are some thoughts I see:
- When something good happens, especially when your life is radically changed, you can’t keep quiet about it.
- Sometimes the impromptu is best. I’m not saying Peter speaking on Pentecost and at Solomon’s Porch weren’t, but this incident is specific. “Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them…” This was not rehearsed; it was “on the fly.” Sometimes our most effective moments are moments of inspiration.
- Peter made two good points: The one was made by quoting an OT passage in Psalm 118:22- Jesus was the chief cornerstone. Rejected by men; exalted by God.
- The second was immediately following in verse 12: the exclusivity of Christianity was stated: salvation by faith in Christ. Only one of two paths are available-the broad road or the narrow road. The narrow one is Jesus alone leading to salvation.
- Being with Jesus makes all the difference. It sets the Christ-follower apart. The religious leaders were astounded and perceived they (Peter and John) had been with Jesus. Oh, to have that said about me!
- A firm belief in the truth of Jesus gives boldness. Peter and John stood against the religious leaders when they were told to stop preaching about Jesus. Their words: “We cannot help but speak of what we have seen and heard.” (v.20) May I be that bold!
“Father, what a tremendous example Peter and John are in this passage. There is so much here. Help me to be bold and follow their example.”
Peter and John could not help but preach the Good News; the truth welled up within them and spilled over into the world that needed to hear it. I thank the Lord for their courage and commitment.
Blessings, Bill!