September 17

Written by Bill Grandi on September 17th, 2020

Have you ever heard or used the statement “I don’t know why I did that. It’s not really me”? I’ve heard it from husbands/fathers who blew their top at the people they should love most in the world, doing untold damage with their venom. I’ve seen “mild-mannered Clark Kent’s” go ballistic at a sporting event and then hear them say those famous words “That’s not really me. That’s not who I am.” Actions speak louder than words.

Of course, nowadays we don’t need to see actions. Twitter, Instagram, FB and the like let us know what a person is really like when they write inflammatory words, post incendiary pictures or sayings or lambast someone they disagree with. I’m on no social media except this blog and I don’t miss it. In some ways I’d rather be seen as naive because I don’t see the latest that so-and-so wrote. Even here I have to be careful what I write because what I write is what I think and it is there for all posterity.

Sorta makes me wonder.  How can people say, do, or write things and think they have no affect on people? If I truly love people as I say I do, and want them to believe I do, why would I think my words would not matter? When I say “I love you” do they know I do? You see, what I love and who I love, the trivial and incidental things in my life will come out. Why else (except for meanness) will people regurgitate or even bring up what someone said or wrote 20-30 years ago in a yearbook (or something like that)? Sadly, what we said may not be true today, but it is on record. Be careful what you say or write. You may say “That’s not really me, that’s not who I am,” but there will be those who will beg to differ. After all, they have the proof in their hands.

“Father, please help me to be very careful of what I say or write. Help me to realize that when I act or say something that is who I am.”


4 Comments so far ↓

  1. You’ve certainly shared some wise words here, Bill. I am so very careful what I post on Facebook (not on Twitter, thank goodness). Even when I’ve shared what I think is harmless will too often strike someone else as “offensive.” I want to speak my mind, but I need to check myself constantly for how I broach a subject.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      It’s sad that we have to live with such a mindset of always having to be on the lookout for pariahs Martha. Even innocent remarks are mistaken. I was “sent” to some of the tweets on Cuties, the movie, that were made by Tulsi Gabbard from Hawaii. Some were commendable but some where mean. I don’t miss Twitter or any of the others. I think I’d be in trouble all the time.

  2. Ed says:

    Wise words. Even though I am on Social media I don’t really post too often, but I do love connecting with other Christians. But you can only go so far in “good deeds” on the internet before you run into trouble.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      I know not all use of social media is bad Ed. It can be used for good. The need for care should put one on high alert.