I read a really good story the other day. Let me share it. In the Wizard of Oz, a movie I have to admit I am not fond of, Dorothy, the Tin Man, the Cowardly Lion, and the Scarecrow arrive back in Oz with the broom from the Wicked Witch of the Wast that the Wizard desires. But he stalls sending her back to Kansas, giving the Tim Man his heart, the Scarecrow his brain, and the Lion his courage. He tells them to come back the next day.
While they plead with the Wizard, Dorothy’s dog, Toto, pulls the curtain and we find a tiny, weasily, little man from Nebraska. The story goes that the author, L. Frank Baum, had serious problems with God, so he wanted to send the message that only we have the power to solve our own problems.
I’m not sure what brought him to that place in life; I can’t even begin to speculate. But I do know he is not alone in his feelings. That’s too bad. This past Sunday I preached from Psalm 139 for the latter part of my sermon. I am struck by the beauty and power and passion found in that passage. Tearing it down it shows us 3 characteristics of God, what I will call the 3 O’s.
- God’s Omniscience- Verses 1-6
- God’s Omnipresence- Verses 7-12
- God’s Omnipotence- Verses 13-18
In my mind there is not a more concise and complete picture of God in all of Scripture. We can talk about His majesty, His glory, His love, His grace, etc, but right here in one chapter is God complete- Omniscient, Omnipresent, and Omnipotent. Okay…your challenge is to unpack that by reading the verses and let them soak into your soul. Talk about mind-boggling!! Go ahead. Try it. And let me know maybe next year when you do. 🙂
“Father, I am humbled to see how totally awesome (and yes, I used that word because it describes You) You really are. So much higher and deeper than I can ever go. Let me just bask in the glow of You and who You are.”
A lifetime perhaps…
Not sure we will comprehend this side of heaven.
That was my point by saying “next year.” You saw that. I too believe it will take the other side of heaven.
How I loved your sermon this past Sunday, Bill, and am happy for the refresher here! Psalm 139 is magnificent – one of my favorites.
Thanks for watching and your comment Martha. I do appreciate that. And so glad I could offer this refresher. I gained a whole new respect for this chapter.