January 20

Written by Bill Grandi on January 20th, 2021

I have a confession to make and it pains me to do so. I always wanted to be one of those rare birds. You know, the one who could say, “I’m me. I am unique.” In a sense I can say that. I am those and more. I’ve always believed-and still do-that God made me as I am and there is no one else like me. But then again, I am not quite that unique that I don’t share some qualities with others. Here’s one:

I.     H.A.T.E.     W.A.I.T.I.N.G.

Well, maybe hate is a strong word. How about “despise passionately”? 🙂  Anyway, you get my drift. There are times I do well with waiting, especially when it is someone else waiting on a decision!! 🙂  But me? Not so. You would think I would have learned by now. But there are times I have a hard head…or is that a hard heart? I’ve seen God come through on so many levels in the past-big, small and medium- that I ought to relax and trust. But like so many others on this planet- followers of Christ or not- I want…

INSTANT FULFILLMENT. Now! Not tomorrow. Not even later. Now! But instant fulfillment, whether we are talking national or personal, or anything in between, may satisfy our desires but does little for the relationship between me and God or me and another person. Sometimes it is in the waiting that the greatest blessings come. Trusting God’s promises and trusting in His promises bring a rich reward. I get to watch and see God move. In the process I can also see my relationship with Him deepen. And what can be better than that?

“Father, help me to wait patiently and trust your heart for me.”


6 Comments so far ↓

  1. Ryan S. says:

    Waiting is not one of my strong suits either. Though, I think sometimes the “long game” is the way to play… especially since God is the Master of the “long game”

    • Bill Grandi says:

      I’m glad I’m not alone in that Ryan. I suspect we would have a rather large crowd if we all were honest.

  2. I struggle with waiting, too, Bill, especially now when I’ve yet to hear when I can get the Covid shot. Like you, I need to trust in God’s perfect timing.

  3. Ed says:

    Right now I am waiting on a call from a dentist to know whether I qualify for dentures (with implants).
    😀 🙁
    The process doesn’t sound like something I want to go through, so I guess I am playing a game of “Hurry up and wait?”

    • Bill Grandi says:

      I am in the process of getting an implant also. It has been a long one since I had a bacteria eat away bone that had to be rebuilt. After treating it for almost two years with antibiotics it was decided this was the best course. You will be glad you did it.