I mentioned in an earlier post (February 2) that I have been reading through the NT using the NLT (New Living Translation). Today I read Luke 15 & 16. There was no one STOP THIS IS IT! moment this morning. There were several. So I thought I’d record those moments here:
- Luke 15 is the trio of stories Jesus told-the Lost Sheep, the Lost Coin, and the Lost Son. Perhaps we can put a positive spin on them and say the Found Sheep, the Found Coin, and the Returning Son. All three end with a variation of saying the same thing. Verse 7, Verse 10, and Verse 32 all carry the idea of rejoicing because that which was lost is found; that which was dead has come back to life. The angels rejoice when someone has run their race and enters heaven, but they also rejoice when someone repents and comes to Jesus for the first time.
- Luke 16:10. Faithful in little, faithful in much. If one can’t be trusted with the little, how can they be trusted in the much?
- Luke 16:13. Where is my heart? Who or what has its attention? Have I sold my soul to a lesser master?
- Luke 16:14. Where is my allegiance? When the world looks at me, do they see a religion that is dead or a life that is vibrant? More importantly, what does God see? He sees the deepest part of me.
Just a few random thoughts this morning. Random but convicting. Did any one passage stand out to you?
“Father, thank You for Your Word. It is a Light and a Lamp. Please continue to shine it on me.”
All of these scriptures made me think, Bill. It’s good to remind ourselves daily that our first priority should be to seek and serve the Lord, and be willing to listen to Him.
Glad they made you think Martha. You are right we do need to be willing to listen.