When I was in college I had a professor who had a required reading list-men who were respected authors. I suspect men like C.S.Lewis and others of his ilk were on that list. It has been far too long for me to remember others. One I know for sure was Francis Schaeffer. He wrote some books that even today I probably could not understand. Anyway, we were to read and write a report. I was way out of my league when it came to understanding what I read and then writing a report on that book. But I thought I had found a solution. Francis Schaeffer had written a small book called The Mark of the Christian. Perfect! Problem solved. Small. Short in length (probably about 20-30 pages). And, get this! Easy to understand!! 🙂 I was set…until…the prof said it was okay to read and write the report but since it was so short I would also have to include another book. Bummer!
All that say this: the reason I remember that short book and have trouble remembering his other titles (except for How Now Shall We Live?) is the subject matter. The mark of the Christian is L-O-V-E. When you think about it, it is a trademark. Jesus said, “By this will all men know you are My disciples if you love one another.” The entire chapter of I Cor. 13 is dedicated to the life-changing power of love. (Cue in Huey Lewis song right here). John writes that we “love Him because He first loved us.” Jesus told His disciples to “love each other in the same way I have loved you. There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” (John 15:12-13 NLT)
The way I see it if someone pricked me with a pin, love would flow out. If someone beat me with a club, love would spill out. And if someone filet me, love would gush out. (Those are merely examples. I wouldn’t really want someone to prick me, beat me or filet me). Love would burst out. There would be no way to contain it and no way I could hide the love that lives within and fills me.
Question: Is that the kind of love in me? In you?
“Father, I am to love You first and foremost and my neighbor as myself. Am I a home for love? If I was opened up, would love spill out?”
I read a lot of Francis Schaeffer in the 1970s and 1980s. He was a major influence on how I understood Christianity.
I tried but just couldn’t grasp it. Maybe today I would be wiser and much more able to do so. I admire someone who could.
I still have a ways to go here. If I were to be pricked, clubbed or filleted, I am pretty sure love would not be flowing out.
I still have a long way to go also Ryan.
I think we all have a long way to go in that department, Bill, but with God’s help, we can achieve that goal. I really do want others to see me as someone filled with Jesus’ love.
I want that also Martha. And yes, I still have a long way to go
a Christian youth – no matter what the age – would be hard pressed to have love coming out, although Jesus said it is required.
I think it would depend on whom he wanted to serve. But yes, it would be hard. It is for an adult.