I’ve got a problem! (I know what some of you are thinking and no comments are needed from the peanut gallery). But in all seriousness, I have a problem.
“Love God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.”
My problem: how do I do that? How do I know if I have?
Paul David Tripp in his short devotional book 40 Days of Love says,
“We can know the true joys of human love only if love for God first rules our hearts.” (p.72)
I know that. Not sure I practice it all that much. There is no question in my mind that I am often guilty of idolatry-of putting people, places, and things ahead of Jesus. The sad part is that I know this but find it so hard to change it. I realize that if I don’t find my rest and comfort in God, I will seek for it somewhere or with someone else. Then I’ll be asking of Jo, or another person, or my bike. or an activity to do for me what only God can. Fill me and satisfy me.
But even as I write this I am no closer to an answer to my questions: How do I do that? How do I know?
Do you have any thoughts on the subject? I’d like to hear from you.
“Father, help me to love You as I am supposed to. Please help me to find the answers to my questions.”
Good food for thought…
I think it is a matter of training ourselves. It must become a habit of acknowledging God at every turn and telling Him out much we love Him and appreciate Him – hundreds of times a day. Consistently throughout our days and nights. Over and over until it is as natural as breathing. Until no thought goes into it anymore, it just flows out of our minds and off our lips over the simplest of matters.
Thank you, Diane, for giving it some thought. I agree that it must become a habit (but not one overblown). It should be as natural to us as breathing.
This is a heavy topic for hump day…
I definitely like Diane’s thoughts on training. It also must become a habit… i.e. it must be practiced over and over again until it becomes natural.
I think a way to think about it which was shared with me recently is what I will call the 1% rule.
What am I doing today that is making me closer to God… even if by just 1%. This rule could be applied in all areas of our lives, but I think the idea is forward progress.
I can’t say I will ever arrive, but I can say that I am at least 1% closer than I was yesterday.
That in mind, this process has it’s risk… Even a little effort forward is 1%.
I like the quote you provided from P.D. Tripp… God doesn’t need us in this quote… We need God…
Our “true joy”. So I guess the measure in this case is whether or not any area of my life lacks joy… If so, I know I need to move forward at least another 1%.
That 1% rule is a great way to look at it. Each day moving forward. I like that thought. It may not be leaps and bounds but it is a step forward.
This is something I need to remind myself of daily, Bill, so you are not alone. Putting God first is of ultimate importance, but in our human frailty, we often forget, or misplace, where our focus should be. Wonderful reflection, my friend!
You are right Martha. We do often forget or misplace our focus. That allows for the trouble in putting Jesus first. Thanks for the comment.
You’re not alone. I tend to put a lot of things before God. I shouldn’t.. but I do.
It is common to all of us Ed. I know that but I still want to break that mold.