September 21

Written by Bill Grandi on September 21st, 2021

One of the “things” that has captured our world is jumping to conclusions. You know…make a decision and let that decision be made before all the facts are in.

This has been especially true in our world of instant news-Twitter, FB, Instagram and the like. We see or hear something and we are ready to be judge, jury, and executioner before knowing all the facts.

Case in point: Our Daily Bread had a story of an event which happened during the 2018 baseball season. A Chicago Cubs coach wanted to give a baseball to a young boy sitting by the dugout. When the coach tossed him a ball, a man sitting next to him scooped it up. He was excoriated by the media. He was called a brute. I vaguely remember seeing that video and I’m ashamed to admit that I thought, “How rude!” The first reaction of the media was to call him out about his cold-heartedness and lack of class. It took 24 hours for the truth to come out that those two had made a deal (after the man had snagged a ball for him earlier) to share any additional balls that came their way. By then, he was blistered.

Jumping to conclusions. We are strong on condemning “obvious” sins-adultery, homosexuality, stealing (unless it is during a riot), lying (sometimes but not always), but we give a free pass to jumping to conclusions and jumping on the bandwagon of condemnation. Exodus 23:2 tells us not to “join together with a crowd in order to pervert justice.” (NASB2020)

Let’s stop jumping to conclusions. Let’s get the facts-the truth-before ruining someone’s life with untruth.

“Father, may I be a truth-gatherer and not a lie-spreader.”


8 Comments so far ↓

  1. Glynn says:

    This reminds me of the Covington boys – the high school group visiting Washington for the March for Life event and wearing their MAGA hats. The news media fell all over themselves reporting the exact opposite of what actually happened, because the lie fit the media narrative. Or they thought it did. It ended up costing media organizations millions. Worse, I experienced many of my friends — Christians all — tripping over themselves to condemn the kids on Facebook. I’d never seen anything like it — people suddenly possessed with anger and hatred.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      That is a perfect example of what I am talking about Glynn. And the sad part, as you say, were Christians who ended up tripping all over themselves and making a mockery of the Jesus they follow by joining in the voices. Sad.

  2. Glynn’s example was the exact one that came to my mind, too, as I read your reflection today, Bill. It’s so important to get all the facts before we jump to conclusions that will probably end up being wrong. Justice should never be compromised, and we shouldn’t be overly eager to “prove” our opinions are the correct ones.

  3. Ryan S says:

    One of the primary reasons I left social media. To easy to get caught in the frenzy of judgement.

  4. Ed says:

    We need to be slow to speak and slow to judge.