October 8

Written by Bill Grandi on October 8th, 2021

Today is Friday, October 8. Just in case you didn’t know or aren’t awake to realize it. 🙂  We left yesterday, Lord willing, for Ohio. Tami is venturing there with us this trip since she is on Fall Break (she gets two whole days off!). It is (for us) Braden’s last football game to attend. We have made multiple trips to Ohio this fall-most generally over there on Friday and back home Saturday after watching him play Saturday morning. It has made for some tired grandparents, especially mamaw, on Sunday. I think adrenaline flows through my veins Sunday morning. Plus I tend to have much more energy than Jo does.

Anyway, what we do for our grandchildren! 

That being said, you may have come here expecting a devotion. Unless I was inspired sometime Wednesday or Thursday morning to write two devotions, all I can ask you to do is to read Psalm 98-100 along with me or Proverbs 8.

I’d also like your prayers. We plan to return tomorrow morning since he plays Thursday night (a change in schedule) and then I also turn 69 Saturday.  Thanks!  See you Monday morning.


6 Comments so far ↓

  1. Ryan S says:

    Have a safe trip!

  2. Safe travels and Happy Birthday, Bill!

  3. Ed says:

    Prayers and a Happy Birthday!