October 11

Written by Bill Grandi on October 11th, 2021

Our small group has been discussing the topic of suffering. Last night we talked about suffering being fair or not.

We all came to the conclusion that suffering being “fair” should not be in our vocabulary.  It most certainly is not a biblical word. I think (personally) what happens to many of us is we begin to compare our situation with someone else’s and the word “fair” comes out. How many times have I heard, “I don’t understand. I give my life to Jesus, serve Him, and this is what I get”? How many times? Innumerable. We need to ditch the “It’s not fair talk” and get back to “God-talk.” We need to start saying, “What does God want me to learn or to become out of this?”

Here are some one sentence thoughts I gleaned and wrote down from last night’s study:

  • Right in the middle of his suffering, Paul broke out in the doxology. See Romans 11:33-36.
  • In our future and about our future, God owes us no explanation.
  • Society has become a victim-driven society.
  • When you throw a pity party no one wants to come. (I love this one)
  • When we open the door to victimhood, we allow ourselves to be slaves.

And to close this devotion, here is a thought from something I read from John Piper just this morning:

Do not think that because you experience adversity in your little world of experience, the hand of the Lord is shortened. It is not our prosperity or our fame but our holiness that He seeks with all His heart.”  –“Good News of Great Joy”- p. 34

“Father, may I see suffering, not as something unfair or to avoid, but as a tool to help me grow into being more like Jesus.”


4 Comments so far ↓

  1. Ryan S. says:

    Fair or Not, suffering is a part of life. You can choose to be beaten down by it… you can choose to complain about it… or you can choose to learn from it and grow from it.

    It is ok to be upset for a very short time, but in the end, you just have to move forward.

    I think the key that I took away from your post is “What is God trying to teach me through it?” I think if we strive to answer that question, our focus shifts from “woe is me” to “grow is me”

  2. I love what Ryan said here, too, Bill. No one wants to attend our pity party, so let’s not throw one. Instead, during times of suffering, let us pray to God for His help and comfort.