I once had a pastor (a mentor early in my ministry) tell me to never get close to anyone in the church I serve. In other words, don’t have or make friends. Say what?
I can tell you that did not work with me. I am a naturally gregarious person. I laugh a lot. I can be too loud at times. But one thing I need and want is friends. I broke his rule. In just about every church I have served I have gotten close to someone. Sure, there have been occasions where it came back to bite me in the butt, but the friendships I do have and are still ongoing are special to me.
There’s Doug. A college friend who still meets with me 2-3 times/year at a place in between where we live for pizza. For now it requires over a 2 hour drive for me. But it is worth it. A thousand times over. Granted, he is the exception to the church “rule”.
There’s Jim. I met Jim over a common “like”-he liked to ride bikes. We have pedaled many miles together. His cancer and relocation and his retirement has made it tough but we still try to get together. I’ve known Jim since the 90s.
There’s Ryan. I met him in 2007 after he corresponded with one of our men about the church after seeing us online. They were moving to this area and so we corresponded by email first and I was able to welcome he and his family to OVCF and to the area. Our first time as families was lunch at Chicago’s pizza buffet in the town they lived in at the time. It became one of many Sunday lunches after church as our friendship was cemented. He had to move about 45 minutes away several years ago but Jo and I still get together with them.
Friendship is amazing! Have you ever looked at Jesus’ friendship with people? He spent time with the strangest people- a tax collector, a prostitute, a leper, an immoral woman (Jn.4). It didn’t matter because a friendship with Jesus meant a changed life. There is verse after verse in Proverbs which talks about the value of friendship. Even Jesus mentioned its importance. “Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”
I know my life has been richer and fuller because of my friends. I pray it has been reciprocal.
“Father, we sing a song about Jesus being the friend of sinners. Help to follow His example, all for the purpose of enriching someone’s life.”
Amen! Friendship with Jesus has meant a changed life to those of us who’ve welcomed His presence into our lives.
There are people I will always hold dear to my heart. And I can only hope that I can bless them in return whether they’re close by or far off.
I hold my friendship with Jesus to be my most precious. But, like you Linda, I can only hope I bless my friends the way they have blessed me. Thanks for the comment.
Bill, Late to party but showing up.
I continue to enjoy our friendship as well. I know my life is richer and fuller because of you and Jo.
Looking forward to our next time together this week.
I’m glad you showed up…late or not! 🙂 We are looking forward to Wednesday also.