I’d like to continue with some thoughts from Colossians. (Check out yesterday’s blog for the start). Instead of rushing ahead to the next chapter, I thought I would make some comments about Colossians 1:13-18.
One of the favorite tools of deconstructionists, and skeptics in general, is the denial of who Jesus is. He is one of many good, moral teachers. He was created by God. He was just a man. I once had someone tell me that Jesus just happened to be born at the right time and in the right place. When I asked him how he explains all the hundreds of fulfilled prophecies, he tried to tell me that. Seriously? Others will say He is a divine consciousness. Of course, you also have the cults who teach weird, and very false stuff. One teaches that Jesus was a created being, Michael the Archangel (JW). Or that Jesus was one of many spirit children of Elohim and the half-brother of Lucifer (Mormon).
Paul gives us a totally different picture in 1: 13-18:
- He is a rescuer from sin. Redemption is found only in Him. (13-14)
- He was from the beginning and is the Creator of all things. (16)
- He holds all things together. (17)
- He is the head of the church, the beginning, the firstborn from the dead (raised to die no more). (18)
- He is the Great Reconciler. (19-22)
Jesus is more than a man. He is more than a prophet (one of many they say). He is more than a divine consciousness. He was, is, and always will be the divine, virgin-born, only begotten Son of the Living God. No deviation allowed.
“Father, help to have the right view and perspective of who Jesus is. Help me to always remember He is more than a man. He is God in human flesh.”
Why is there the inclination in the human psyche to always make something less than it is? Jesus is who Jesus is, no ifs, ands or buts! Accepting Him as Lord and Savior is the only way to have eternal life.
Blessings, Bill!
That’s a good question Martha. I wonder if it is because we want to believe what we want to believe. But you are right about the no ifs, ands or buts.