In my daily Encounter Time, I read several portions of Scripture. I read and underline through the Psalms on an almost daily basis. I’m almost always in the Psalms. Every other month I read a chapter a day of Proverbs. 31 chapters=31 days. I’m currently reading through the NT for the 2nd consecutive time since 2021. My first trip was through while using the New Living Translation. I am now slowly making my way using the NASB2020. I take it slow-one chapter at a time. I’m currently in Colossians.
To keep me more aware of what I’m reading (yes, my mind wanders) not only do I highlight a verse or two, I’d like to use this time to blog about a passage that stuck out to me. I do not know if this will be a 4 post effort-given there are 4 chapters in Colossians-or if I may stretch it out some. I’ll let the Lord lead me on that.
The church at Colossae was a mess. False teaching had gripped many-Gnosticism, angel worship, heresy about who Jesus was, emphasis on “holy” days, and many others. I’ll hit some of them.
But first let me just highlight a passage in chapter 1. In verses 9-12 we have a prayer by Paul that gets to the heart of how serious the problem was in Colossae. Please take a moment to read those verses- 1:9-12. Now take note of what Paul prays for. It is not a superficial “Lord be with them today” kind of prayer. Let’s take a look:
- Be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding…so that we can…
- …Walk in a manner worthy of the Lord
- …Please Him in all respects
- …Bear fruit in every good work
- …Increase in the knowledge of God
- …Be strengthened with all power
- …Give thanks
In truth, each one of those could be broken down and discussed. But that is beyond my purpose this morning. But they do serve as a true example of what to pray for when you are thinking of yourself and others.
Begin praying that God will bring that to fruit in your life. Also a question: which one of those would you like to see come alive in you?
“Father, may my prayers take on an air of alertness and earnestness for myself and for others.”
Do I have to choose just one?
Seriously, I see a need to increase in all of them. Perhaps, I should start with just Giving Thanks… for what He already has done.
That’s a good place to start. 🙂
Bill, I get your Living in the Shadow twice on my computer because I’m double subscribed – commented on the other one, but it didn’t seem to take here. (Most of the time, it does.) Didn’t want you to think I didn’t read your wonderful reflection!
Thanks for letting me know Martha. As you said, it didn’t take. Don’t know why but I do appreciate you commenting.