Full disclosure: I wrote this yesterday, Thursday, February 3rd.
I don’t normally post on Friday since it is my day off, but the weather has changed that. Wednesday it rained all day. When I say “All day” I do mean “ALL DAY.” I had a funeral and it was a wet, sloppy mess. The rain eventually changed to sleet and freezing rain. Early this morning it turned to a wet snow, a heavy snow. I could hear it falling. Jo wants me to stay home since they are calling for 5-8″. Long story short, the snow has slowed me down and it looks like it will keep me home. So I will take some time to journal.
Colossians 2:8-10 is where I want to focus this morning. Please take a moment to read those few verses. Verse 8 speaks to the warning all Christ-followers must be aware of and cognizant of: false teachers and empty philosophies can warp our thinking. Verses 9-10 give further evidence of the truth about Jesus and who He is. So the question that comes to the forefront is “How do I avoid being sucked into false teaching? How do I avoid the deception which is so rampant?”
The answer is found in verses 6-7: “Therefore, as you have received Christ Jesus as Lord, so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith…”
Neither of those happen overnight. A farmer doesn’t plant seed one day and the next day find a healthy, well-established crop. It doesn’t happen overnight. Neither does a rooted and well-grounded faith.
There is so much more to say. Like the role of nourishment. The role of harsh weather/trials on the root system, and ultimately, the growth of the crop/our faith.
Suffice it to say that a firmly rooted and grounded faith is a key to staving off false teaching.
“Father, help me to plant my roots deeply and be established so I can ward off the false teaching which is so deceptive. Help me to cling to You and be faithful to Your truth.”
May our roots grow down deep into Jesus!
Blessings, Bill!
No argument from me!
i’m thinking it’s seasons like this when we realize how blessed we are if our faith has become firmly rooted over time.
thanks for these words … they’ve hit home today.
Believe you are correct Linda. it does happen over time. And you’re welcome