March 30

Written by Bill Grandi on March 30th, 2022

“It’s not fair.” If I’ve heard it once I’ve heard it a thousand times. If I’ve used it once…

That phrase came up in a texting conversation I had the other day. A very much loved brother and son is dying of cancer. He has fought valiantly. He has taken his treatments for his wife and 2 children and is still in a lot of pain. He will be called home soon and is ready to go. The words said to me where, “It’s not fair. He was an organic, health-conscious person.”

Consider me stumped.

Not because I didn’t know what to say or how this all fits into God’s dealings with man. I do on both counts. I do know what to say but I didn’t want to sound all cliche-driven. As for the latter, I can’t answer specifically for his case, but I do know sin has brought about destruction and death.

I think at the core of that statement  is the “I don’t understand.  Why him/her? When all the while this evil person is well or is healed” idea which runs through our head. In our heads, the injustice of it all just doesn’t gel, especially with the idea of a good God.  I think in the back of our minds is this feeling that “I’m a Christ-follower. I shouldn’t have to deal with this” mentality.

We have bought into the lie, be it ever so little, that we shouldn’t suffer. We rail against the health/wealth un-gospel, but all the while semi-expect it for us. The truth is that sickness and health, wealth and poverty, unhappiness and joyfulness, peace and misery are found equally in believers and unbelievers alike.

I could go on some more about this, but two things rise to the top of my thinking: 1) It (life)-good or bad-happens to all of us; and 2) no one knows God’s ultimate plan except for the fact we can’t see it all here. Someday we will. Someday justice will be served.

Take a moment and join me in what I read this morning: I Peter 5: 8-10. Perhaps that will help answer a question or two.

“Father, I don’t understand. Help me to rest and rely on Your plan and trust You to bring it all to pass.”


4 Comments so far ↓

  1. There is so much in life that makes no sense to us, but it does to God. We have to trust that His plans and His ways are the only right ones; whether we understand or not.

  2. Ryan S. says:

    As I read your post, I began putting together a response that even though I feel was founded in truth, lacked the empathy.

    I stopped.

    I thought about my own losses in the past. My step-dad who I had the opportunity to spend time with while he battled Leukemia. I still cherish those times that I got to spend during His final months, weeks, and days.

    There is nothing that we can say or do that will fully remove the pain or sorrow. Make memories, share memories. Take comfort in knowing that the end of this life on earth is not the end of the story, but of greater things to come and without the pain, sickness, or discomfort that comes with living in a fallen world.

    I will be praying for you… and for the the son/brother/father… and for the family.

    -Ryan S.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      I like your words Ryan. I know I cherish those last 6 weeks with my mother as she died of cancer, even though she was out of it for a good part of it. I am praying for this person to get over the anger and see God’s beauty in the brother’s passing. Thanks for your words and prayers.