I’ve toyed with something for the last few days because I didn’t know if this was the right venue to “put it out there.”Then I decided, “Why not?” So, here you go…
This past Sunday the church I pastor (OVCF) celebrated our 19th anniversary. You can hear the sermon here. If you prefer you can watch it here. Along the way I gave a mini-history of OVCF. I also showed our Mission and Vision and discussed how it motivates us. But here is where I want to take you and get your thoughts. First, the backstory: I gave a brief rundown of the Mission and Vision, but then shared a story. On Wednesday night- the 25th- I woke up from a sound close to 3 hour sleep and could not get back to sleep. The sermon for this past Sunday kept running through my head. Rather than toss and turn and wake Jo up, I went to my recliner in my ManCave. Since I could not get the upcoming sermon out of my mind, I turned the light on, grabbed my journal, prayed, and began writing. What came out was a softer, less technical version of the Mission and Vision. It was not intentional. I believe firmly in our Mission and Vision, but I have not felt totally comfortable with its seeming rigidness or strident approach. I’ve never been able to explain my thoughts clearly until that night. I invite you to to go our website and click on About. The menu will come down and you will see Our Mission and Our Vision in the menu. But that sleepless night, I was finally able to put pen to thoughts and sensed God’s “You got it” when I was done. (Fun fact: I finished at 12:50. At 12:51 I felt like I had been hit by a ton of bricks. By 12:53 I was back in bed and slept like a rock until the alarm went off at 3:30). Anyway, here is what I came up with-a softer, less technical version:
The Gospel is Preached
Jesus is Lord
Grace is Offered
Lives are Changed
Obedience is Encouraged
I have received some very positive feedback on the “new” version. They love the WELCOME HOME. My desire is that OVCF be home. A home to all. A soft and safe place to land. No compromise (I will show that tomorrow), but a place for people to feel welcome. Not necessarily where everyone is spoken to (although that would be ideal), but a place where the warmth of God’s grace and God’s people is palpable. For those hurting from a bad church experience, may they find rest and healing.
It’s your turn now. What do you think? Positive and negative is welcome.
Side note: I’m considering trying to find a word that begins with “A” to put in place of Offered. The acrostic would then be P-L-A-C-E. I have a word in mind “Afforded.” What do you think? Any other ideas?
I love this Bill! So positive, encouraging, and personal. If I were looking for a church and read this on a church’s website, that’s the first church I would try out! Will definitely be sharing this with Dick!
WOW! Thanks for the encouraging words Pam. (Hmmm sort of like your blog) 🙂 I’m honored you would share it.
I love this, Bill, and will certainly look up your service on YouTube so I can hear exactly what you said to your congregation.
I think, too, that the word “afforded” would work great! We all need to find our place in a welcoming church home. If we lived near you, I know we would find a place with you all.
I am humbled by your comment Martha. WOW! Thanks also for the affirmation of Afforded. For the record: I would love to have you and Danny as part of the church. 🙂
In a world that is in a constant state of flip flop, commits to nothing, it is refreshing and welcoming to have a mission statement that stands for the truths of God and includes living for those truths. The church can be opening, and approachable and yet stand firm on its beliefs and commitment to the word of God.
Thanks Gail. It is nice to hear someone from OVCF state that.
Great Thoughts Bill, Having the opportunity to read your next post, I would agree that trying to force an acrostic just for the sake of an acrostic may not be necessary.
Thanks Ryan. Further confirmation
I love this, Pastor Bill! And unlike the commenter above, I tend to love acronyms/acrostics. They create a visual that sticks in our memory a bit better than just a general phrase, in my opinion. Some other words I thought of that start with “A” that go along with “Grace” are:
Grace is Abundant
Grace is Abounding
Grace is Ample
It was fun trying to think of these. I’m sure whatever you decide will be awesome! Ah, there’s another “A” to consider. 🙂
Those are great words, Cheryl. Unfortunately, I also found out I misrepresented Jesus is Lord. It should be Jesus is Honored so I guess and acrostic is not necessary. 🙂 🙂 But I will remember them!