April 15

Written by Bill Grandi on April 15th, 2024

Does the way things happen ever make sense?

That has been the question running through my mind the past week and on into the weekend.   Please give me a chance to tell you why I ask that.

My best male friend has been told he has 18-24 months to live. One of my other male friends was given 3-6 months to live and it has been close to two. Unless God intervenes time is running out. Then this past week one of our boys in the church (age 6.5 he has informed me) has been sick off and on since January/February. He goes from kinetic energy to crash is 5 seconds. Some things have been ruled out but what has not has been leukemia and lymphoma. He goes the 25th to Riley Hospital for a full work up. The family is still waiting to hear the prognosis.

As I shared with the church yesterday, I believe God has 3 answers to our prayers:

“Yes.” We like this one for obvious reasons. We like that we are in agreement with God…or is that He is in agreement with us? In either case, a good answer.  🙂

“No.” This is an answer but not quite the one we wanted. This simply means that God and I are not on the same page. Shocker! But at least its an answer!

“Wait awhile.” This is the toughest I believe. No one like to wait. From grocery store lines to prayer, waiting is not a strong suit. It’s like God is saying, “Hang on. I’m not going to answer right away.” The answer will come-perhaps a yes, perhaps a no-but just not yet. And it’s not because God is being mean or vengeful. Maybe there is a lesson I need to learn. Maybe there is a timing issue. In any case, I have to realize that what seemed like a bad idea actually worked out for my best.

Until God’s timing comes to fruition, I’ll live life to the fullest and realize God is good…no matter what. For reference take a moment to read Psalm 116:5-19.


10 Comments so far ↓

  1. Praying for your 3 friends who are in various stages of waiting—-not an easy place to be, but we never wait alone.

  2. May God be with all those who are suffering here on earth, giving the comfort and peace only He can give. I’ll be praying for all those dear ones you have mentioned here, Bill. May our God of miracles heal each one to His honor and glory.

  3. gail says:

    My heart and prayers are with you Bill, your friends, and their families. I lost my best friend, and hiking buddy to ovarian cancer seven years ago. From the time of her diagnosis to her passing was three years. In that time, there were many times I thought for sure my prayers had been answered, then another surgery or scan would provide a different answer. It is so hard to watch someone you love go through health issues, there are no easy answers. Psalm 116, tells us that God is with us, He loves us, and to just trust the Lord. We may not understand all things on this side of eternity, but we serve an awesome God, we can put our faith in Him, and God will walk with us through all things. We do not need to lean on our own understanding, we just to lean on the God we know we can trust with all our heart.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      Thank you Gail for your heart and prayers. I know you care and were showing emotions yesterday…as was I. Thanks for that. And you are right. Psalm 116does tell us to trust.

  4. Ryan S. says:

    My prayers go out to you, your friends, and the young boy. — Father, hear my heart. Only through Jesus can you hear me. You are the life giver, the life creator. You are the one that heals both the spiritual and the physical. No one else can do what you do. Please bring healing first to the spirit Father. I pray for joy and comfort God. I pray that you would overwhelm them with your Spirit. I pray for a physical healing as well. I know none of us are meant to live in these temporary bodies forever, but God I pray that you would breathe fresh life into their broken bodies that they may be a continued living testimony of your grace, power, and love. Thank you Father – Amen

  5. Ed Damas says:

    Praying for all those involved. May our Good Father do His perfect will in their lives!