June 18

Written by Bill Grandi on June 18th, 2024

It has been a wild ride the past few weeks. The church family I pastor is small compared to many other churches (just under 200), but we have seen our share of deaths, sickness, cancer, hardship, testings, and all things “human.” Just because we are followers of Jesus does not make us exempt from any of that, in spite of the heretical ramblings of the health/wealth crowd.

We have not been immune from it personally either. Years ago in a time of seeking direction during a tough season, I ran across Jeremiah 1:17-19. A little background makes this poignant. Jeremiah’s ministry occurred during a hard time, days when Judah sank into chaos morally and politically. The kings were worthless and ungodly. Jerusalem fell and Jeremiah suffered. Like Jeremiah, we don’t get to pick our times or circumstances. Our job is to follow. It was during a tough time when God told Jeremiah the following words and then also led me to the following verses: “Get up and prepare for action. Go out and tell them everything I tell you to say. Do not be afraid of them, or I will make you look foolish in front of them. For see, today I have made you strong like a fortified city that cannot be captured, like an iron pillar or a bronze wall. You will stand against the whole land-the king, officials, priests, and people of Judah. They will fight you, but they will fail. For I am with you, and I will take care of you. I, the Lord, have spoken!” (NLT)

Those words were like gold to me at the time I found them. They still are. Take a moment to read that Scripture again and then take note of what He tells Jeremiah and then ask how it applies to you. When I feel overwhelmed by life’s circumstances and battles, these words dig down deep into my soul. I hope they do the same for you today.


4 Comments so far ↓

  1. I needed this inspiration today, Bill. Every day, I pray that God will give us the strength and courage to know we can stand up with His blessings when we stand with Him against the evils of this world.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      I’m glad to hear my thoughts were helpful Martha. And I totally agree with you about the strength and courage to stand up.

  2. Ryan S. says:

    Tough times do come… sometimes self-induced, more often, they come because we live in a fallen world. There will come a time when all things old and broken will be put away and God, our loving Father, will make it whole again. Until that time comes, leaning on and leaning into encouraging words like you have shared can help carry us through. Not just to survive, but to thrive. Not just to exist but to shine. Not as victims, but as sons and daughters of our Living and Breathing God and King

    • Bill Grandi says:

      I like what you write Ryan. Of course we all know tough times come, but they are overcome by leaning on and leaning into the Scripture and the One who is the Author those Scriptures.