My title for this devotion is Defensive Student vs Willing Student.
As I read this morning several thoughts came to my mind:
- Defensive student is an oxymoron, like jumbo shrimp and low fat butter.
- I can choose to be a willing participant in my ongoing learning (classroom) experience or I can fight tooth-and-nail every moment along the line.
Psalm 86:11 says, “Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name.” Notice the four words: “Teach. me. your. way.” Teach me. That statement-those words alone-require a willingness of heart to learn.
Deuteronomy 6 is a real jewel. Not only does it include the Shema (“You shall love the Lord your God…”) but it also includes instructions for teaching one’s children. They learned the truth and they were to pass it along to their children. That required a willingness to learn on the part of both the parent and the child.
A student cannot be defensive. He cannot be argumentative. He cannot be closed-off. He cannot be arrogant. He cannot be a know-it-all.
A student must be receptive. He must be submissive. He must be open. He must be humble. He must be will to listen and learn.
God uses willing students. Defensive ones (if there is such an animal) are another story.
“Father, teach me your will and your ways. Find in me a heart that is willing to listen and learn. Help me not to be resistant to your teaching, but eager to learn. Help me to be a student. And as I learn, help me to apply. Help me to walk in your ways.”
Bill, great post… Such an important thing to remember. Life is a classroom and having at teachable spirit will allow me to grow so much more.
Thanks Ryan. I pray for a teachable spirit.
May we all be willing students.
How many times can i say AMEN without overdoing it? 🙂
I never want to stop learning from God and His Word. There is always something fresh and new He is wanting to teach me every day. That never grows old!
Blessings, Bill!
That’s the attitude to have Martha.
And we’re all students as long as we live in this flesh.
No argument here on that Floyd