February 22

Written by Bill Grandi on February 22nd, 2019

My title for this devotion is Rejection vs Acceptance.

As Christ-followers I/we sometimes walk a fine line. It’s a fine line that separates acceptance from rejection. Do I accept this line of thought or reject it? Do I view this action as acceptable or do I reject it? We don’t want to stick out like a sore thumb and yet we know we ought to be distinct.

The need is for discernment. Discernment is the ability to well…discern…to know what is right and wrong. There are small things where discernment is needed and somewhat easy; there are big things where it is needed but perhaps not so easy. For me, discerning the rightness of drugs and alcohol is easy. We all have areas we are staunch about and areas which are gray.

But that’s really not where I want to go. The question I have is where? Where do I go to discern? How can I discern to accept or reject? I’m not naive enough to think that one compromise cannot lead to another. I’ve seen it in my own life. At the risk of being misunderstood or castigated, I know what the Bible says about “alternate lifestyles, as its called. I’m not a believer that God has made a person with a gene which says, “You have no choice. This is you. Accept it.” It is a choice. A sinful choice. But compromise on one part can lead and will lead one down the slippery slope of acceptance.

Discernment is needed. Discernment comes from going to the source-the Bible. The Bible is clear on its stand. It takes a lot of Scripture-twisting to see otherwise.

Discernment comes from humbly sitting at the feet of Jesus-whether in quiet; whether in study; or whether in the presence of a teacher. Discernment helps us in choosing right from wrong AS LONG AS our source is right. For example, a false teacher is not going to work.

“Father, help me to discern what is right and what is wrong; what to accept and what to reject; not based on my own likes or dislikes, my own perceptions, or what is popular in society, but on your Word. Give me a willing spirit to continue seeking You in Your Word and not make decisions without consulting Your Word first.”


12 Comments so far ↓

  1. In every aspect of our lives, we should seek out God and His wisdom. Only then will we be able to correctly discern His will for us.
    Blessings, Bill!

  2. Dan Hamlin says:

    While I agree with most of what you’ve written, there are times when things are murky. For example, my aunt taught at a christian school in northern Indiana for 30 years. One year she had a student in the class that was a hermaphrodite (the student had both male and female genitalia). This is a rare condition, generally 1 in 2000 (meaning 10 people in Owen county would be hermaphrodite), but these are real people with real lives and it doesn’t fit neatly into the “God made male and female”. How is this student supposed to marry? In what sports can this individual compete? What restroom should this student use? Difficult questions for sure.

    I think, though, your statement about humbly sitting at the feet of Jesus is the key; letting him shape us into his image so we can handle these difficult situations with love and grace.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      You raise a good question Daniel. One I don’t have an answer for. I am familiar with what a hermaphrodite is though because I just read a book where one of the characters was one. It is murky but that is a physical issue more than a spiritual issue. I do agree about sitting at the feet of Jesus and dealing with the issues with love and grace.

  3. Excellent post, Bill!

  4. Glynn says:

    Discernment also comes from listening – and being slow to speak. A challenge in these days of social media.

  5. floyd samons says:

    May we discern in a way that brings our Father glory…

  6. Ryan S says:

    I don’t believe I am called to “Reject” anyone… I may disagree with a lifestyle or a decision made, as I am sure some would disagree with mine or my decisions at times. I try to follow what I believe is the source of truth… My responsibility is to try to live a life that is honoring to God. I will stand up to protect the innocent, but beyond that my job is not to convince others that my way is the right way. I’ll live my life and if others are drawn to that, great… If not, then I suspect there is not much I would be able to say to convenience them otherwise anyway.

    Thanks for the thought provoking post!

    • Bill Grandi says:

      I agree Ryan. That is why I said “Discern what is right and what is wrong; what to accept and what to reject. I think though you have put your finger on what is the perception here: to reject an act is being seen as rejecting a person. That is not call to make. I do agree my responsibility is to live my life so that it is honoring to God.