My title for this devotion is Do vs Be.
A sense of accomplishment today. I finished reading the OT this morning. I began over 3 years ago with Matthew and read through the NT. I then started with Genesis and vowed I would read each word (or almost each word). I would not skip over a genealogy or a sacrifice or a (fill in the blank) in order to get to the end or because it was boring. It took me close to 2 years of almost daily faithful reading to accomplish my task. I read leisurely. I had no plan to follow; no set amount to read. But I finished! I learned a lot. And I learned to respect the OT.
Today I read Malachi. It was, in many ways, a good summary of much of the OT. The people of Israel did; they were not so interested in the be. The book of Malachi is almost like a commentary on the whole OT, and even on our own time in history. Time after time Malachi’s voice echoes God’s as he brings to mind the utter hypocrisy of the people of Israel of offering sacrifices, but not having the right heart.
They were “do-ers”; they were not interested in “be-ers.” God brings to mind the emptiness of their sacrifices because of their lack of sincerity. They would bring blemished animals. They would lie, cheat, and steal. In 1:14, for example, he says, “Cursed be the cheat who has a male in his flock, and vows it, and yet sacrifices to the Lord what is blemished.”
Another example was the way they robbed God through their tithes and offerings. “Who us? Rob God? Surely not.” And yet He points it out to them: “Yes, through your tithes and offerings.”
Do vs Be. I have this sneaking suspicion God is much more interested in who we are than what we do. Sure He wants our obedience. Sure He wants our “do.” But I believe He is much more interested in who we are. Who we “be.” On the inside.
“Father, outside obedience is fine. I believe you want that. But you don’t want just the outside; you also want inward submission. You want me to “be” not just “do.” May my outward actions come from inward submission.”
I have been hit a number of times with the idea of “being” lately. — Yes, I am taking note.
A topic spoke recently on the destination being less important than the journey. About the changes that are supposed to happen within us as we walk through this journey we call life.
That is the being vs the doing.
The interesting thing is that the being should often result in the doing.
i tend to agree with the destination/journey idea Ryan. it is not the destination that matters; it is the journey getting there that affects us. I agree that being should often result in the doing.
First of all, Congratulations on reading the Bible all the way through! My husband once said, “Every Christian should read the complete Bible all the way through at least once. Then The Holy Spirit can bring to remembrance that which you need in the moment you need it and you will know it is Truth.”
Second of all, I agree with Ryan. Being does result in doing. Being must be our priority in life. Great post, Bill!
Thanks Diane. I have “read” it before but skimmed a lot of the OT. Not this time. Gives me a great sense of accomplishment. I do agree with your husband. Thanks for the comment.
Way to go in finishing the OT, Bill! Yes, I certainly agree that God wants us to be fully present to Him, and not just go through the motions. He loves us for who we are, not what we do, although as was said above, being does lead to doing.
I love Malachi. So much typical hypocritical human actions that represent the heart. I also appreciate the declaration God gives about testing Him and His blessings. Like my mom always said, “You can’t out give God”.
I’ve read through the entire Bible twice and I’m on my third time, but I’m stalled about half way through the NT. So close!