One of the verses that consistently rattles my cage is a small one-small in number of words, but big in meaning.
John had been the “man of the hour.” People flocked to the wilderness to hear him speak. He spoke like a true prophet-mincing no words; leaving no one off the hook; and taking no prisoners. Shyster? Gotcha. Legalist? Gotcha. Viper? Gotcha. Herod and Herodias? Gotcha. Roman soldier? Gotcha. Religious leader? Double gotcha. He told it like it was…and then some. But John was never supposed to be the man. No, he was the forerunner. He was the prophet Elijah come again (figuratively). He was also the voice of one crying in the wilderness. (Luke 3:4) His purpose was to prepare the way for the Messiah. He was to prepare people for the Lamb of God who was to take away the sin of world. (John 1:29).
So it shouldn’t be surprising his response when his disciples came to him and told him that Jesus was baptizing more than he was. Translated: Jesus was more popular. His response is the verse that rattles my cage:
He must increase, but I must decrease.
Another translation says, “He must become greater, I must become less.” The implications of that are stunning. John’s view was consistent with his purpose: Jesus glorified not me. More of Jesus, less of me.
“Father, that should be my prayer- today and everyday. May Jesus truly become greater in my life and in all I do.”
Yes, Amen, Abba!
May that be my prayer as well… Jesus become greater in my life and all I do!
John’s words reflect the epitome of selflessness. As Jesus told us, those who lose their lives for His sake will find them.
May Jesus’ presence increase more and more in our lives!
Blessings, Bill!