January 6

Written by Bill Grandi on January 6th, 2021

Have you ever noticed how often we “categorize” our worship? We talk about worship on Sunday in a certain place or time. But then act as though the other parts of our day or week are extra.

I even do that on Sunday morning during our corporate worship. I have caught myself (and not done a very good job of stopping or changing it) saying, “Please join us now and stand and sing and join us in worship.” See what I did? Say, for example, we had just had our prayer time when I say that. What have I stated? Answer: that the prayer time was not part of our corporate or individual worship, but now we are singing so we are worshiping.

No. No. No. That prayer time. That communion time (in our case). And ultimately the preaching time was all part of our worship. It is part of our psyche to make a distinction and say that singing is worship but prayer and communion and listening to the Word is not.

And it carries over into our daily lives as well. Worship does not just happen on a Sunday morning. It doesn’t just happen when I’m having my QT. Categorizing worship was never supposed to happen! Worship was, is, and always will be a 24/7/365 opportunity to praise the Father’s goodness and love. David praised God on the mountain and in the valley; on the run or on the throne; feeling good or feeling bad. Take a moment please and read Psalm 148.

“Father, worship is not be to categorized. But it is most definitely to come from my heart-all day, every day, any time, and any where. May my heart be one filled with praise.”


6 Comments so far ↓

  1. You are the first person I’ve ever heard say that, Bill. Hallelujah! YES and AMEN!!!!

    • Bill Grandi says:

      It has been a deep-seated conviction of mine for a long time. Thank you so much for the kind words Diane.

  2. Ryan says:

    I agree with your perspective regarding worship and how it is really a state of being in regards to the individual. It really is a lifestyle. It is a decision to live a certain way and respond a certain way. Worship is about respecting and honoring God as our creator and King with every aspect of our lives… Not just the 30 minutes or so on a Sunday morning where we sing. That said, I do think in an effort to categorize services, the word “worship” is often used to describe that time slot. Perhaps a new word needs to be used for that… Sadly, it may be more accurate than I am willing to admit some weeks… That the time I am singing on Sunday morning is the time I have set aside to give my focus and attention to our Father in Heaven.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      I do see your point Ryan. I think there is something in us that is emotional and music evokes that. I am much more emotional during the singing than I am during prayer time or even communion time. And certainly more than the preaching time. 🙂 I think you said something that strikes a chord. “Set aside time to give my focus and attention to the Father.” That is to be goal of worship.

  3. I love how you’ve pointed these facts regarding worship out, Bill. No, it cannot, and never should be, compartmentalized or confined only to Sunday services. We are created to love the Lord our God all the time, and we should be ever mindful of this.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      Thanks Martha. I cannot help but wonder if we stopped compartmentalizing all our lives what a difference it would make.