April 6

Written by Bill Grandi on April 6th, 2021

Contentment is a good thing. Right?

Speak of contentment and eventually someone who knows their Bible will go to the verse in Timothy which says, “Godliness with contentment is great gain.”  (I Tim.6:6)

So contentment is a good thing. Right?

May I throw a wrench into your thinking? Contentment is a good thing depending on your focus and subject. Here is what I mean:

When it comes to your daily walk with Christ, I think contentment is not the goal. In fact, I think discontent is. I have a reason for saying that. Contentment gives the impression of “arrival,” a sort of settledness. It’s like the challenge has been met and now comes the “A-a-a-h” factor.

My contention is that contentment is not the goal when it comes to my walk with God. In fact, Paul said it well in Phil.3:10 when he said, “I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection…” That word know in the Greek means “to know intimately.” That intimacy-whether in a physical relationship or a spiritual relationship-can only come from time.  Spiritually what I will call a “holy discontent.” It’s the refusal to be satisfied with the status quo but to always be pursuing a closer walk with Jesus.

Contentment in this scenario reeks of plateau. Discontent speaks of pursuit.

Which will you choose?

“Father, may I be discontented when it comes to being satisfied in You. May I always be pursuing a deeper walk with You.”


6 Comments so far ↓

  1. Yes! Amen. Mee, too, LORD.

  2. Ryan S. says:

    Bill, I think your prayer says it all… I don’t think anyone will arrive at perfection this side of heaven… There is always ALWAYS something I can do to improve my relationship with God. There will never be a place where I “arrive” while I am still living on this Earth.

    The verse you reference in Timothy is an excellent example of folks pulling verses out of the context of their overall meaning. The verse is talking about financial gain… and actually at the expense of godliness.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      I agree with you on the “no one arrives” thoughts. I know i will always struggle. And yes, the verse is pulled out of context.

  3. When it comes to knowing and following Jesus, we can’t become complacent. It is a life-long journey.
    Blessings, Bill!