We often hear people say something similar to this: “You need to see that God has something much better for you.” Even though that is true, sometimes it smacks of insensitivity. It also seems almost meaningless because the person may not be ready to hear that or want to hear it.
I know what a person is saying when they do. We often get so myopic that we fail to see the bigger picture. We see the hear and now. Like a card player who keeps his cards close to this chest, that is all we see. Up close and personal.
When the truth is that God may have a bigger picture for us. If He gave us what we wanted all the time, we would miss that. I was reading Psalm 119 this morning (and yesterday and the day before) :). In Psalm 119:26 it says, “I told you my plans, and you answered. Now teach me Your decrees. “ It’s like he realizes God has so much more to teach him.
Here’s the reality: I would never have known what God had waiting for me if I had only aimed at my target. God has so much more than my eyes can see. His plans for my life are so much bigger than mine. He wants to give me so much more than my keep-things-close-to-my-chest-vision can see.
It’s good to pray for answers but leave a card or two available for God to show His hand.
“Father, You are good. Kind. Loving. And would NEVER give me bad things or do bad things. Help me to pray but then leave the door open for You to work.”
This reminds me of a commercial a while back where the guy walks away unsatisfied saying “Bigger…Bigger!”
I’ve had so many desires… so many plans. Big ones too! But God wanted me small for a reason. I’m starting to see God’s bigger pictures a wee bit more, and not my own.
Being able to see God working in the big and the small is part of growth Ed. I’m glad you are coming to that truth. For some of us (myself included) some heads are harder than others.
I can’t tell how many times people said that to me. No, I couldn’t receive it because my wildest imaginations did not compare to what Abba had in store for me. And that was deep, deep healing and changes in me to bring me back into alignment to the Diane He originally created me to be but family and my husband and traumas molded me into someone different. Oh, I praise His Holy Name!
And because of your reaction it shows that sometimes religious platitudes don’t work. I’m glad though that you came to see that God wants Diane to be the Diane He created you to be. Not a cheap knock off of someone else’s idea. God is working in you.
Knowing when things should or shouldn’t be said requires discernment. Truth sometimes requires a bit of timing… Sometimes it is best not to say anything at all.
Good thoughts this morning Bill
I agree Ryan. Sometimes it is best not to say anything
Aim at our own target, and we always aim too low. May we all be open to the experiences and lessons God has in store for us.
Blessings, Bill!
That is a good hope and prayer Martha.