Have you ever wanted to say something but couldn’t find the words? That’s how I am when I’m talking to someone of greater intelligence than me (not that hard to find), smarter than me (neither is this one), expresses his/her thoughts, and I’m not ashamed to say I’m lost. I have no clue what they are saying, nor how to answer, so I just clam up.
There have been other times when I’m free to talk about a subject because either a) it is something I know something about, or 2) it is something I’m comfortable talking about because I am familiar with it. It is then that what I may have studied or read in the past comes back to me.
I think that may fall in line with the idea Jesus left with His disciples when He spoke to them in the Upper Room about the Holy Spirit. He told them once not to worry about what they would say. When the time came for them to speak, it will be brought to memory by the Holy Spirit and He will tell them what to say. (Matthew 10:19). In Matthew 10:27 He said, “What I tell you now in the darkness, shout abroad when daybreak comes. What I whisper in your ear, shout from the housetops for all to hear!”
What God speaks to us in solitude, we will speak in the light. I recall how Jesus went off by Himself to be alone with His Father. I would love to have been a little bird eavesdropping on those conversations. As He was preparing His heart for the day, His Father was speaking life to His Son’s heart.
What an intriguing image! Jesus preparing for His day as His Father speaks to His heart. What a vivid picture for us! For me!! Preparing for the day by letting the Father speak to my heart. And yours. Just another reason for an Encounter Time with Him. Not a legalistic one but a necessary one-letting the Father prepare me for the day by speaking to my head and my heart.
“Speak, Lord, Your servant listens (or at least sincerely wants to).”
I love that image of Jesus preparing for His day by listening to the Father, Bill! Yes, Lord, speak to us, and may we have ears to hear and eyes to see.
Thanks Martha. I want to prepare for my day the same way Jesus did also.
How cool it would be to hear the audible words of God… I have not experienced that, but I have felt the words so much that it has resulted in significant life change. I think God speaks to us now, primarily through the Holy Spirit. Too often I have heard His voice in that manner and more times than I would like to admit, I have shrugged it off. God, Let me NOT be that guy.
I don’t want to miss that voice either Ryan. I’m ashamed to admit I do.