April 30

Written by Bill Grandi on April 30th, 2021

First, I need you to stop and read Romans 8: 31-39. This is perhaps the most beautiful passage in Scripture (personal preference) and one of, if not, the most powerful chapters in the Bible.

Then please read this…something I read this morning:

“There is a love that will never forsake us. there is a love that will never fail us in any of its commitments to us. There is a love that is so strong that nothing in all of Creation can break it. There is a love that is faithful and true, no matter what. There is a love that is unbreakable, even when we are unloving and undeserving.” (p.7)

“There us simply nothing like the love of God. It is the most powerful force in the universe. Love is what we need-God’s love, that is. You and I could never earn it, deserve it, or achieve it. It reaches into the sinful muck of humanity, cleans us up, draws us close, and launches us to a brand-new living while staying faithful to the end, even if we are not. In loving us, God gives us the greatest gift ever given-the gift of Himself.” (p.8)

How can I improve on that? I can’t say it any clearer. I can’t say it more pointed.

What I can say is, “You are loved…by Him.”

“Father, thank You for Your faithful, unending love. May I bask in it and also share it with others.”

Quoted sections from 40 Days of Love by Paul David Tripp.


8 Comments so far ↓

  1. Oh, what a difference it makes when we have the revelation of how much we are adored by God. This is a beautiful post, Bill. Beautiful! Hallelujah!

    • Bill Grandi says:

      It is huge Diane. And it does make a big difference in how we see God and ourselves. Thanks.

  2. Ryan S. says:

    That passage in Romans is good to get you charged up in the morning and ready to take on the day… maybe the entire week. I should bookmark that for Monday – Very powerful and Tripp does a great job of bringing it home.
    Thanks for sharing.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      I’m glad it was a good charge this morning Ryan. Maybe next week it will mean even more.

  3. We certainly don’t deserve this type of love from our Father in Heaven, but that’s what He gives us anyway. Oh, how grateful I am for His unending love!
    Blessings, Bill!

  4. Ed Damas says:

    I don’t know about anyone else… but that’s the kind of love I’ve been looking for!!!