As one reads the Scripture, you will notice that Jesus’ first really public words were in a synagogue. Luke 4 records those words for us and they are directly taken from Isaiah 61:1-2a:
“The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, Because the LORD anointed me to bring good news to the humble; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim release to the captives and freedom to prisoners; to proclaim the favorable year of the LORD.” (NASB2020)
Jesus then finished His reading with these words: “Today, this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.” In other words, “In Me.”
Jesus didn’t come to the “uppity-ups” or to the “hoity-tointy” crowd. He didn’t come to the castles and palaces, to the kings and queens, to those who thought they needed nothing or no one. (He wouldn’t turn them away though). No, Jesus came to the humble, the brokenhearted, the lost, the lonely, the slaves, the captives, the addict, and others. He came for the blind, the leper, the lame, the prostitute, the falsely accused. He came for those who were lost and knew it. He came for the outsiders. He came for the rejected.
He came for me.
I like what Bob Goff said,
Some people wag a bony finger when we run toward someone who’s messed up. But isn’t that what God does with you and me? Forget being right; be Jesus. (#257-p.306)
It shouldn’t matter what others think. Jesus certainly didn’t care. In fact, if we are his followers, Jesus’ mission and ours should be the same.
“Father, help me to keep my eyes open to the needs of others. Help me to see people, not cases.”
I am thankful that when I was messed up most, someone took the time to show me Jesus. My life would be much different today if he hadn’t.
That is a great way to see it Ryan. I, too, am glad. So glad. I would hate to think where I would be and what my life would be like if someone had not told me about Jesus.
Yes, Bill, Jesus certainly came for all the brokenhearted and messed up people in this world, which is all of us when we get right down to it. I did love that quote from Goff, too, when I read it. Let us pray that the Lord helps us be the hands of feet of Jesus in this hurting world.
Being his hands and feet is a never ending adventure Martha. Imagine what difference it would make if we all did that.