October 10

Written by Bill Grandi on October 10th, 2022

Well…I’m a year older after yesterday. I told Jo I was going to tell people I am now mature since I reached the big 7-0. She gave me “the look” as if to say, “Seriously?” Not seriously that I was going to tell people that, but seriously as in “Do you really think you are mature?”  Hmmmm.

Okay…now to the reason I am here.

We all know that the Christian life is a series of highs and lows. We all have experienced the “highs” of life being a mountaintop and we all have experienced the valley.

I was reading Acts 8 this morning and it struck me of the high and low in that chapter. It involved two men who experienced what we would call conversion.

Exhibit #1 is Simon, the sorcerer. His reputation as a purveyor of magic arts was well known.  He followed Philip around and verse 13 tells us he believed and was baptized. His conversion appeared real.  Then the followed Peter and John around after they came to pray for the followers to receive the Holy Spirit. Simon offered money to them for the ability to give the Holy Spirit to others (verses 18-19). Peter knew his heart did not seek God’s fame but his own. That exhibit is certainly a downer as it is evidence of a lack of true conversion.

Exhibit #2 takes place when Philip is told to pick and go to the road from Jerusalem to Gaza. There he meets an Ethiopian eunuch sitting in his chariot reading Isaiah 53 and not being able to understand it. Philip greets him and when asked who the prophet is speaking about, gets into the chariot with him and explains that Isaiah 53 was about Jesus. His response to Philip’s clear presentation of the gospel was immediate. The Bible tells us he was baptized and immediately Philip was taken away and the eunuch went on his way rejoicing. History tells of his man’s faithfulness and impact.  There is no doubt his conversion was real.

It is often hard to recognize the sincerity of someone. In both cases in Acts 8 it initially appeared the sincerity was there. But ultimately, it came down to fruit. “By their fruit you shall know them” Jesus once said. Simon’s true colors came out; the eunuch’s true colors showed as well.

Makes me wonder: what kind of fruit am I showing?


10 Comments so far ↓

  1. Happy Birthday, Bill! All God’s Blessings upon your life! keep on writing. Please.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      Thank you Diane. And concerning your last remark: I plan to as long as God gives me words. I’m glad I can encourage you.

  2. Glynn says:

    Happy birthday, Bill!

  3. Happy Birthday, Bill! May you continue to produce good, mature fruit for God’s glory.

  4. gail says:

    Happy late birthday Bill. I think we all want to bear good fruit to others and have them take that fruit and bear that fruit to others as well. The success of our fruit bearing, depends on how well we respond to the Lord pruning our branches. In order to bear fruit, we have to remember the glory is all God’s alone. Without God abiding in us, we cannot be successful disciples in His kingdom. When we give God the glory, He will help us, spread the love for Him in our hearts to others. Spreading good fruit, is a privilege of God’s love for us. I miss too many opportunities to express that love to others. I need to be more diligent, with the gift of love that I was given. Help me Father, to be fruitful for Your glory, and to see the opportunities that You present me.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      Thanks for the belated birthday wishes Gail. I want to bear good fruit for sure and pray I seek no glory for myself. BTW: I think we can all be more diligent.

  5. Ryan S says:

    Bill, Happy 70th, I hope I am as physically, mentally, and spiritually in tune as you are when I hit the big 70. I would have said relationally as well, but my introverted nature would require a miracle from God for that to happen!

    In regards to the fruit produced, I just hope mine doesn’t rot on the vine.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      Thanks Ryan for the encouraging words. All I have to say is miracles still happen. 🙂 🙂 And I’m believing your fruit will not rot on the vine. In fact, the Vine will make sure it doesn’t.