March 7

Written by Bill Grandi on March 7th, 2023

I’ve written often about feelings and how they play an important part of our Christian walk…both good and bad.

It is good, and it is necessary, to have emotions. After all, happy, sad, laughter, tears, anger, and others are part of our DNA. To deny them is not honesty. An emotionless person is a…well…a sad person. That’s not an emotional sad, but a person devoid of emotion is more like a robot.

On the other hand, some people are way too emotional.  It’s like they are on the edge of reality, seemingly losing control at the drop of a hat.

Neither one is good. Nor is it good to have your emotions run your Christian walk. Do you remember the lyrics to the song “You Light Up My Life” from the 70s (1977 to be exact) sung by Debby Boone?  Part of the lyrics were “It can’t be wrong; it feels so right.”  Put that in scenarios. “It can’t be wrong to have this illicit relationship because it feels so right.” “It can’t be wrong to take this drug because it makes me feel so good.” You can figure there is more.

Feelings can be, and mostly are, deceptive. Subjectivism is dangerous. People who rely on the “reality” of subjectivism forget the objectivism of faith. The truth of the Bible takes a back seat to our feelings. “Hell can’t be real because God is love and wouldn’t condemn anyone,” for example. “Surely this relationship can’t be wrong since it makes me feel good and God would not want anything less for me.” Truth takes a back seat. I heard a good quote the other day on a podcast. I was unable to catch who it is attributed to, but it came from a book called Mama Bear Apologetics:

Feelings are a good check engine light but a terrible GPS.

Don’t allow subjective feelings to override the truth of God’s Word. Feelings are good, a must to have. But to be directed and led by them is dangerous. Feelings will lead us down the wrong path; only truth will set us free.


6 Comments so far ↓

  1. Ryan S. says:

    I think this post dovetails nicely from yesterday’s post (like you planned that or something). I see feelings and emotions going hand and hand. I can almost interchange them. I think the word you use above is “Subjective”. If one’s thoughts, feelings, emotions and actions are not governed by Truth… not relative truth that the culture is so adamantly pushing today… but absolute truth based on the Creator of Truth… based on the written Truth…
    Then the result is a culture that is bound to make their own truth based on their feelings, thoughts, emotions, and let’s face it… wicked desires.

    When I allow myself to be persuaded by the culture, to be influenced by it’s subjectivity… I am at risk of the same. This is a constant battle of my flesh against God’s spirit.

    I could go on, but will pass the mic.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      Please, by all means, go on! 🙂 I cannot tell a lie though, I sorta (but not completely) played off yesterday’s post. I really wanted it to stand on its own. But… As for your thoughts; they were spot on. There is no question our subjective approach-our feelings approach- to many moral issues is leading us to what you call wicked desires. Let’s go back to the truth! Let’s make that our foundation. Thanks again Ryan for your comments.

  2. I’ve been betrayed by my “feelings” more times than I care to recount, Bill. Thinking clearly, and asking God’s help in doing so, is the way to go forward in life. Thanks for reminding us that God granted us common sense, and we need to use it.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      I’m with you on the betrayal Martha. All to familiar. But I know it is wise to check with God’s Word to make sure of God’s desire for me.

  3. gail says:

    I am going to spin this a bit in a different direction, but I still feel like it ties into your point. I have talked with several people who tell me they have no time to read the bible. Their feelings towards that decision is that God understands how busy they are, and He can see their schedule is full. How can you feel that God understands you have no time to read his scriptures, or to draw near to Him, how do you think that makes God feel? Sometimes, people only take their own selfish feelings into a relationship with God, and do not even consider God’s feelings at all. What breaks God’s heart, should also break our hearts. Not understanding that Jesus did not just die on the cross for our salvation, but to also allows us to have an open invitation to communicate with our Father. Having both of those, should make you love, praise, glorify God and send your feelings into overdrive.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      What you say here is true Gail. So many people do “force” their feelings onto God and expect Him to agree with their thinking. That relieves them of reading the Bible because God is either a killjoy or “He would agree with my feelings anyway.” Sometimes I am amazed at God’s unlimited patience with us when it comes to not listening to Him. Thanks for the different spin.