August 7

Written by Bill Grandi on August 7th, 2024

I rode my bike yesterday. I went out an hour earlier than normal. Some would say I’m not normal (the correct word is “certifiable”). They may possibly be true. It was 93 degrees with the humidity in the 70% range. Honestly it felt like 100%. I felt like I could cut it with a knife.

It was hot. No. It was H-O-T! Sticky. But it felt oh so good. I was on a limited time frame so the 15 miles was a good length. I tried to keep up a healthy pace but did have to slow down occasionally to ride smart. When I was done I was hot and sweaty. I’d gone through 2 skull caps (worn under the helmet to protect my dome from cancer). I smelled “earthy” as my wife states it (I love that word. It sounds so much better than “I stink.”) 🙂  I was glad to get out of my cycling shoes and put on my Oofos. The chocolate Recoverite drink tasted really good. The roller felt good on my lactic acid-filled legs. Taking off the helmet and gloves felt so freeing.

But even though I was sapped of strength, I felt s-o-o-o-o-o good. I don’t have ADHD but the idea of sitting around all day doing nothing but eating bon-bons and watching Hallmark movies sounds about as exciting as watching grass grow. (Then again, I might be able to kill me some of God’s most pesky creations-the moles that are tearing up my yard). My wife-who is 22 months older than me-would like me to retire and slow down. That sort of talk kills me. It makes my insides revolt. My idea of retiring is just getting tired over and over again. 🙂 I certainly don’t have money to retire-not by a longshot. I certainly don’t have the mental make-up to retire. If it wasn’t for my age, I’m not sure I could even slow down.

I know there will come a day when the body says, “Enough.” My mind will say, “Give me a break.” There may come a day when they all (body, mind and spirit) say, “Slow down Bill. Time to rest. Well done, good and faithful servant.” And, of course, only God knows that time.

Until then…I hope He allows me to keep spinning; to keep moving; and to keep smelling earthy. 🙂


2 Comments so far ↓

  1. I love that you smell ‘earthy’ after a vigorous ride, Bill – it does sound a lot more appealing than ‘stink’ for sure! 🙂
    Honestly, I can’t do all the things that I would like to, things I could tackle when I was younger, but there is plenty I can still do for God while I have time on earth. That’s enough for me.
    Happy biking and blessings!

    • Bill Grandi says:

      My wife is so kind Martha. 🙂 What I like is that you realize that even though you cannot do what you once used, you are still useful for the Kingdom. Keep on!