October 7

Written by Bill Grandi on October 7th, 2024

Have  you ever tried to understand something and after awhile you thought your mind was going to explode? I had one of those experiences last night, although my mind fell short of exploding.  In our small group last night we are beginning a short study on Essential Doctrines that are the core beliefs to our faith. You might be thinking, “What are you studying those topics for?” We spent the previous months discussing topics the young people had asked Ryan, our youth pastor.  He shared those questions with the elders just to show what our young people had on their minds and Wayne, one of the elders and our small group leader, decided to use them in our small group.  Some of the questions were related to our core beliefs as a church body so it was a good study to stimulate our thinking and our faith. To counter some of the questions, Wayne decided to tackle some core doctrines that “make Christianity Christianity.”

First up: THE T.R.I.N.I.T.Y.

Yes, you read that right. What a subject to start with!  I must confess that I am a self-professed “I don’t want to talk about it” junkie when it comes to this particular topic. Understand: it is not because I don’t believe it. I most certainly do believe in the Trinity: that God is Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. But ask me to understand and explain it? My eyes cross, my head spins (like an owl’s) and my mind goes into convulsions. My finite mind cannot understand the infinite.

And that is the problem. Finite trying to understand the infinite. In my words: it ain’t going to happen. I proved it again last night. It’s not that I’m totally in the dark. I mean, I do understand some of it. Greater theological minds out there (the vast majority much, much greater than I ever dreamed of being) wrestle with it. Some of those who wrestle with it have forgotten more than I can remember. Maybe I’m naive, but while I understand some of it, I prefer to take some things on faith.  Knowing God is essential to our faith. Knowing all there is to know about God is impossible.  Isaiah writes, “To whom can you compare God?…’To whom will you compare me? Who is my equal?’ asks the Holy One.” (40:18,25 NLT) I have come to the (awkward but humbling) conclusion that there are some things I am not to understand or simply cannot grasp.

I accept the hard teaching of the Trinity. Understand it all? Nope. But I have decided to let God be God. Understand what I can. Accept in faith what I can’t or don’t.


8 Comments so far ↓

  1. This made me think about how St. Patrick used the simple shamrock to explain the Holy Trinity – three leaves, one stem. No, we don’t need to understand to believe, do we? God is God and we are not.
    Blessings, Bill!

    • Bill Grandi says:

      I’m with you on that last statement Martha. We don’t need to understand to believe it.

  2. gail says:

    I agree Bill, the trinity is not an easy subject to unravel or explain, I believe it, and have the faith to do so. My oldest brother wanted me to read a 800 page book on the trinity that he just loved. I did not tackle that challenge. I am ok understanding that God is far beyond my complete understanding, but close enough and loving enough to have a personal relationship with me.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      Oooh I like that last statement Gail. That is really what it is all about. As for that book? yeah. You and I would have been on the same page. 🙂

  3. Ryan S. says:

    I do enjoy the topic of the Trinity, amongst other topics that tend to make heads spin at times. As I see it, God has had a plan that involved humans from the beginning. I see the Trinity much like I see us. Mind, Body, and Spirit.
    God is the Head, the Mind, the Body is Jesus, and the Spirit being the Holy Spirit. The physical Body was needed so that He could interact with us and also to be the perfect sacrifice that we needed. The Holy Spirit is the means by which God identifies us as His and through which His Power is given. What I still find boggling to the mind is the Trinity’s interaction as they are truly 3 in 1 which means we have the Living God both in us as the Holy Spirit, but also God resides in Heaven. We truly have the bridge to eternity residing in us. I continually reevaluate what that actually means for Christians in the here and now. In my near 30 years as a Christian, I feel like I am just beginning to crack the door to what that actually means for me personally.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      What stuck out to me with your comment Ryan is the latter part. After 30 years… I see you and raise you about 25 more years. It is a constant learning curve and I am glad it is that way.

      • Ryan S. says:

        I think you make the point well… We never stop learning or seeking to learn. More importantly than learning about God, is knowing God. Knowing and understanding His sacrifice both as a Father and as a Savior, now as a perfect God living in an imperfect vessel. Knowing He loves me unconditionally, yet always having the desire for me to simply pause my life and spend time with Him one on one. Never forcing His way in, but waiting patiently for me to see my need and see that He is really the only One that can fulfill that need.

        • Bill Grandi says:

          Knowing He loves me unconditionally is a game changer for me. I willingly let Him in even if it hurts. 🙂