There are some stories that make me smile and chuckle, but also mess with my mind at the same time. The daily devotional, Our Daily Bread, had the following story in today’s devotion:
“When people think about the 100-meter dash, current world-record holder Usain Bolt comes to mind. But we can’t forget about Julia “Hurricane” Hawkins. In 2021, Julie crossed the finish line before all other runners to win the 100-meter dash in the Louisiana Senior Games. Her time was a bit slower than Bolt’s 9.58 seconds-just over 60 seconds. But she was also 105 years old!
Now, honestly, doesn’t that bring a smile to your face and make you chuckle just a bit?
There’s a lot to be said about a woman “running sprints” at the age of 105!! I turn 72 tomorrow and I’m not ashamed to admit that she would outrun me. I certainly ain’t the man I used to me. 🙂 With the prospect of a knee replacement in my not-so-distant-future (about a month), her feat is even more astounding. I’ve been told that after the replacement I won’t be allowed to run (as if); jump (double as if); or lift more than 40 pounds (that is bending down and lifting with my legs, like squats (again…triple as if). Individual dumbbells are okay…but I’ll try to restrain myself, lest I show off. 🙂
All kidding aside, I simply cannot imagine doing what Julia did.
To be honest, I’m more concerned about running the race of faith, of standing firm and true to Jesus, no matter my age. Whether 71 (for one more day); 72Â or more for years beyond; staying true and running the race with perseverance is on my radar. Hebrews 12:1-2 says, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith.” (NLT)
Run the race…no matter your age. Persevere…no matter the circumstances. Win the prize…no matter the challenges!
Stripping off what weighs us down…Runners don’t carry around any excess body weight, extra clothing, or heavy boots. They travel as light as possible. Spiritually, we need to do the same—we can’t let ourselves get weighed down by greed, gossip, selfishness, etc
Sending you a big happy birthday for your special day tomorrow, Bill !
What is so sad Pam is that we carry around so much weight…needlessly. Thanks for the birthday wishes Pam.
Happy Birthday, Bill!!!
I can’t even begin to imagine running like the 105-year-old woman you described here, but like you, I can run the race that God has set for me in the days to come. May we all run that race faithfully and for His glory.
Thanks Martha for the wishes. Like you, I simply cannot imagine it either. But, also like you, I will run the race.
Happy Birthday Bill!
Getting older continually reminds me that I am not as young as I once was 🙂
You have done well to stay active and I hope that continues in whatever capacity you can. I would request the bionic upgrade for your knee.. That should help with the running and jumping!
In all seriousness, praying that goes well.
In regards to “running the race”… I just need to keep reminding myself that life isn’t a sprint, but a marathon. Some jump off the line like a rocket and burn out before the first turn. Maintaining a good sustainable pace from start to finish will prevent burnout… and always remember to stay plugged into God who gives us strength. The minute we unplug and try to run the race on our own usually results us jumping lanes and possibly running off the track entirely and into the parking lot.
One of these days my friend, Lord willing, you will catch me. 🙂 Yeah…think about that one. But running the race is a long distance run not sprint. I totally agree. I’m going to have to go listen to that DeGarmo and Key song.
Julia is amazing and certainly made me smile, thanks for the story. I did not come to Christ until much later in life, so I have always felt like I’ve been behind in my spiritual life. It also took me about a decade after being saved, to leave all of the catholic ideas and really start reading the Bible, and to start to grow spiritually. In the last decade or so I have seen my spiritual growth take off, and my goal is to finish strong. I started late but but God can use me in ways that He needs me now. I cannot make up for the lost time. However my story fits into a lot of peoples story so I can connect with a different group and provide hope to them to see in changes later in life. It is never to late in life to accept Christ, unless you die first, than it’s to late.
You are a perfect example Gail of the saying “It is never too late.” I’m so glad you have someone who cared and led you to Christ. The pain and heartache and betrayal of a divorce is brutal but I can see good fruit out of your life even in the midst of that pain. Keep growing. I know you will.