What do you do and where do you go when you feel like you have had enough? As I read some Scripture this morning and thought about what to write, that is the question which came to mind.
Last night I began a new class called Wednesday Night Conversations. The class itself is not new; I had started it last Fall but took a break around the holidays. I restarted it last night and it will run until March 12th since the 19th is Spring Break (and I will not compete with that!). 🙂 The series of lessons is based on a book by Shane Pruitt entitled 9 Common Lies Christians Believe. The book is about one-liners many Christians are guilty of using when talking to people. Last night’s lie was “God will never give me more than I can handle.” We investigated it using I Cor. 10:12-13 as the basis. Of course, the context is important. Long story short, God never says He will give us more than we can handle. He does want us to know that when temptation comes or when trials hit, He is there to go through it with us. That is the promise of not getting more than we can handle. He wants us to know with Him we can handle anything.
All of that was fresh on my mind when I read Scripture from Psalms this morning. In Psalm 35:9-11 it says, “Then I will rejoice in the Lord. I will be glad because he rescues me. With every bone in my body I will praise him; ‘Lord, who can compare with you? Who else rescues the helpless from the strong? Who else protects the helpless and poor from those who rob them?'” In the very next chapter I read this: “Your unfailing love, O Lord, is as vast as the heavens; your faithfulness reaches beyond the clouds. Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains, your justice like the ocean depths.” (36:5-6).
It was common to hear from myself and others last night that life is hard but that God has promised His presence and faithfulness. I am not ashamed to admit that I thrive on that truth. There have been times I have felt like I was at the end of my rope. Not emotionally. Not that way. But just felt like giving up. I had nothing left. I had no more desire to go on with what I was doing. But God had other plans and I am so glad I listened to Him and didn’t follow my heart (one of the common lies BTW). If I had given up, I would not be experiencing the love and joy of the church I pastor and the sheer joy of knowing I am in the center of His will. He was and is and (I’m sure) will always be sufficient.
{All Scripture from the New Living Translation}
I always find it interesting when our blog post themes intersect. I always take it as confirmation that I am on the right track. Also interesting is the fact that the “God will not give us more than we can handle.” comment came up at Bible study last night! That misconception continues to be bandied about.
I read your comment Pam and the first thing i wanted to do is what kids do: whooooo while jiggling their fingers and wavering their voices. I would agree that confirmation is good to see from time to time.
This sounds like such an edifying experience, Bill, dispelling the falsehoods that we are told as Christians. I do hope you’ll share more of these in your future posts.
I plan to do so Martha. I think people will be surprised how much of what we say is nonsensical and misleading biblically.
Bill I would like to add the Bible verse from John 15:5, in that verse are the two key thoughts, if we remain in Christ He remains in us, we produce good fruit. The last line of that verse is:”because you can do nothing without me” Jesus doesn’t say, you are smart enough to do 10% on your own, I trust with that. He says you can do nothing without me, NOTHING, so right there, it is, that is the verse I want in my ear everyday. I want to trust in God, and know that I am never alone, and I do not want to do anything on my own. I just thank God that He is with me, and I always have His guidance. 1Tim1:17
That’s a great verse Gail and one we forgot to mention last night. The key word, as you said, NOTHING