The #1 dysfunction of a team Patrick Lencioni says in his book The Five Dysfunctions of a Team is an absence of trust (p.43). I’ve been reading it the past two nights and had trouble finding a stopping point last night (but my early morning rising told me I needed to stop). 🙂 He goes on to write: “Trust is the foundation of real teamwork. And so the first dysfunction is a failure on the part of team members to understand and open up to one another. And if that sounds touchy-feely, let me explain, because there is nothing soft about it. It is an absolutely critical part of building a team. In fact, it’s probably the most critical.” (pp.43-44) To further emphasize its importance he goes on to write: “Great teams are honest with one another. They are unafraid to air their dirty laundry. They admit their mistakes, their weaknesses, and their concerns without fear of reprisal.” (p.44)
I suspect you may be thinking, “Bill, I don’t read this devotional to read about leadership from another book.” Please stick with me for a moment.
Our reading this morning was Exodus 13-15, the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt to crossing the Red Sea. But that whole scene was not without its drama. At the end of chapter 13 it says they were guided by a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. This allowed them to travel, it says, by day or night. But it wasn’t long until the Egyptian army, led by Pharaoh, decided they didn’t like the idea of the Israelites (their slaves) being gone. And so they pursued the Israelites. Soon, the people of Israel saw Pharaoh and his army approaching and were gripped with fear…and griping. I love Moses’ words to them: “Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today. The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again. The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.” (Ex. 14:13-14). In other words: T.R.U.S.T. If you know the story, God came through. He parted the Red Sea, a strong wind dried the sea bed and the Israelites walked through on dry ground. Meanwhile, the Egyptian army decided to follow and had all kinds of issues with their chariots. Once the people of Israel were on the other side, it was sayonara to the Egyptians. Exodus 15 is a song of praise and adoration to the God who saved them by His mighty power.
The people of Israel were a fickle bunch. Trust. Disbelief. Trust. Disbelief. You get the picture. It wasn’t long after they were complaining about water then a lack of food. Are they any different from many of us? A lack of trust comes into play two ways in the life of a follower of Jesus. First, failing to trust implicitly in the goodness and promised provision of God. Facing life with fear not faith. Second, failing to trust others to understand and help.
We don’t like to admit we may be dysfunctional. Seems to me the first line of defense is to admit we just might be and start trusting.
There it is again! That p word! Pride—an excessively high opinion of oneself. Too proud to admit needs or trust others to help. If only we would submit like Paul when God told him in 2 Corinthians 12:9., “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.
Amazing isn’t it how that word just keeps coming up? 🙂 One would think we would learn. That verse is the solution to it all.
Trust – No relationship can exist without this basic tenet. Are we trusting our God enough to see us through? That is my prayer today. Thanks so much for this reflection today, Bill.
Trust is a non-negotiable Martha. Thanks
I have had my share of trust issues in the past. Took many years to overcome and in some ways probably still working through it, though I don’t dwell on it. My trust in God has grown as well. Trust and faith go hand in hand in my mind. One cannot exist without the other.
Most definitely Ryan. I think we have all had trust issues in the past. The point now is to know where our faith lies.
When I find myself losing trust or I feel my faith is wavering I go back to the verse Mark 9:23-24. Father forgive me, because I do know everything is possible through You. I need Your help right now to help me to overcome my unbelief and trust. I feel my weakness is overtaking me, and only You Father can assure me that I can trust in and put my faith in You. 1TIM1:17
That verse in I Timothy is a keeper Gail! Full of truth and wisdom