Straight from Chuck Swindoll:
Shortly before her death, Corrie ten Boom attended our church in California. Following the service, I met briefly with her. She inquired about my young children and detected my deep love for each one. Very tenderly, while cupping her small, wrinkled hands in front of me, she passed on a statement of advice I’ll never forget. I can still recall that strong Dutch accent: “Pastor Svindahl, you must learn to hold everyting loosely…everyting. Even your dear family. Why? Because da Fater may vish to take vun of tem back to Himself, und ven He does, it vill hurt you He must pry your fingers loose.” And then, having tightened her hands together while saying all that, she slowly opened them and smiled so kindly as she added, “Vemember…hold everyting loosely…everyting!” (From Good Morning, Lord… Can We Talk?)
I’m going to go on record as saying that sometimes-even though I know better-I hold things too tightly. It’s not as bad as it used to be but even at my age, I still want to hold on, to grip tightly.
Consider, for a moment, what we sometimes hold onto too tightly:
- Our spouse. ‘Course I’m not speaking of hugging or being affectionate. You know that. But sometimes we are too possessive (i.e. too controlling). In death it is hard to let go.
- Our children. Many parents want to hold onto their children and not let go. Sadly, there will be times letting go is not pleasant (think Prodigal Son) but we raise them to free them.
- Our way of life. Rough times tend to reveal the grip we have on the way of life we have come to expect or even take for granted.
- Our stuff. Oh yeah, it is tough to let stuff go, either by necessity or desire.
- Our health. We try everything to hold on to the fountain of youth. There’s nothing wrong with taking care of ourselves but vanity is an ugly master.
One thing we should grip tightly? Our faith in the ONE who loves us. And that’s another story for another time.
“Father, be my all. Help me to not sacrifice my relationship with You by holding too tightly to other things.”
What wise words from Corrie ten Boom, Bill! Yes, we tend to hold on too tightly to so many things when we need to loosen our grip in order for the Father to take our hands in His.
I agree Martha. I know I have had to let loose of some things that I have held too tightly and they have become “idols” to me.