One of the tragedies that many Christ-followers fall into is failing to see people, events, or circumstances through the eyes of Jesus. I can’t “swear” by this but I think that may be at the root of a lot of peoples’ anger at God. Instead of seeing whatever it is through His eyes, we see it through our lens. I know I have done that. Sometimes I have railed at God-anger spilling out of my lips; my body tense for battle; my fists clenched…before I ever know His motives or desire for me.
So, what to do? I read a great picture of that. Imagine standing face-to-face with Jesus, enjoying a conversation about life and all its challenges. He looks into your eyes, and you sense His perfect knowledge of your innermost thoughts, feelings, and desires. You look into His eyes and see His deep love and acceptance of You. Then, in this moment of intimacy, you see Him step closer toward you, so close it looks like He’s going to knock you down. But instead of a collision, He steps right into you. He turns around so He’s looking out of your eyes, He stretches His hands down into your hands, and you begin to feel His heartbeat…He has clothed Himself with you. (taken from Experiencing God’s Presence-Jan 13)
As I read that my mind went to several Scriptures. “If a man is in Christ, He is a new creation.” (2 Cor.5:17). “I have been crucified with Christ…nevertheless I live, yet not I but Christ lives in me.” (Gal.2:20) “And all who have been united with Christ…like putting on new clothes.” Some translations say, “put on Christ.” (Gal.3:27)
“Father, may I live my life as seen through Your eyes. Please give me ‘Spirit eyes’ to see as You do.”
Oh, yes, LORD!
Thanks for joining in Diane.
I can honestly say I have not visualized the verses you outline in that way before… and it is a bit eye opening. To literally be enveloped by Christ. Thanks for the imagery.
I had not either Ryan. I guess that is why it stuck with me so vividly.
This is definitely powerful imagery, Bill. It gives putting on Christ an entirely new meaning!
I thought so too Martha. So glad you could see it as being a powerful picture.