I read a great story the other day…from the Bible. That’s right. From the Bible. 🙂 Take a moment and read 2 Kings 4:42-44.
Okay…notice any similarity?
Before I make mention of that similarity, check out the story. Shalish was a region allotted to the tribe of Benjamin. In time, when Jezebel’s Baalism reigned, the region was renamed Baal Shalisha.
There was a farmer there who labored over his fields and when the harvest came he brought the firstfruits, 20 loaves of barley and fresh ears of corn to the sick. Bringing the firstfruits was an OT principle-usually brought to the priests-but this time brought to Elisha. (The priests were corrupt).
This offering was an unexpected provision to the needy. Elisha told his servant to take what has been given and give it to the people to eat. His response? “How can I set this before 100 men?” He was saying this miniscule amount will not feed 100 hungry men. Elisha’s comment: “They shall eat and have some left.”
Hmmm. Does that sound familiar to you? Think 5 loaves and 2 fish. Think 5000 men. Think doubt of the disciples. Think Jesus. There. Now you know. 🙂
When God gives, He gives more than enough. We can never outgive Him. We always have more than enough.
“Father, thank You for Your provision. However little or large it all comes from You. You always give enough. Help me to remember that as I go through this day and then the next.”
In today’s society, we often rely on the provision of the bank rather than on God. We rely on a little piece of plastic to carry us through the hump. Sometimes, I think God is just a step away from a “loaves and fish” moment before we jump the gun and handle it.
God help me wait on you so that I can experience the blessing.
Waiting is not a strong suit of many, self included.
Absolutely, Bill! God always provides to overflowing.
Agreed Martha