I read recently about a British ski jumper named Eddie “the Eagle” Edwards. I vaguely remember him in the 1988 Olympics in Calgary.聽 He competed alright. In fact, he has his own entry in the Oxford Book of Words and Phrases. “Pulling an Eddie” is defined as “doing something extremely badly, and doing it in the most embarrassing manner possible.”聽 I think I will let your mind show you his jump.
But here’s the thing: at least he tried. As someone has said, “It is better to have tried and failed than to have never tried at all.”
We often hold back from enjoying life, or challenging ourselves, or even living the adventure (my slogan) for various reasons. John Eldredge, in Wild at Heart says, “Every man has a battle to fight; an adventure to live; and a beauty to rescue.” It is the second part of that statement which intrigues me today-“an adventure to live.” I hesitate saying this but the older I get the more I regret what I haven’t done. One of my dreams was to ride across the USA at my speed with a friend or two, a motor home to sleep in, and Jo driving or riding along to witness my fete. It never happened and it will go down as one of my disappointments.
But at the same time, I am grateful for what I have experienced, including but certainly not limited to Colorado, Daytona Beach, and Alaska (I want to go back). Friends. MLB games in person (before they got all politically stupid).
You know, Peter walked on the water and failed. He “Pulled an Eddie” right in front of Jesus and the other disciples. But we also know this: least he walked on water. None of the others who stayed in the boat can say that!
Life is an adventure. You can choose to live it or hide from it. I may be getting older (what do I mean “may be”?)聽 馃檪 But whatever time I have left I want it to be an adventure.
“Father, You call me almost on a daily basis to walk on the water with You. ‘Step out,’ You say.聽 ‘Come to Me. Here, take My hand.’ Help me to not be afraid to follow You.”
Adventure… I have had my share for sure. I am hopeful for many more.
Though, I long for the adventure that takes me away from the norm… I think about the daily adventures that I often take for granted. The opportunity to speak to someone who doesn’t know Christ, yet “I just don’t have the time”. The opportunity to share more than a smile and nod as I walk past. The opportunity to bless someone by “paying it forward”. Too often, in my rush through life and looking for the next adventure… I miss the one right in front of my face, the little mini-adventure that is sitting right there waiting for the challenge. My prayer this morning is that I stop missing out on the adventure that awaits me every day. The challenges to overcome, the people to meet, the power of God revealed. — That is my prayer and if I get some big adventures along the way… that is good too.
I’m convinced Ryan that you will use your time left to make a difference in many lives. And I pray there will be some big adventures along the way.
Hmmm…I don’t think I’ve ever had an adventure. Nor do I think I’ve ever even thought about it.
Never too old and never too late! was it not an adventure to move from the northeast to where you are now? Sounds like a pretty bold step to me
All of life is an adventure, Bill, when we choose to look at it that way. Yes, I’d rather be the one who tried and failed, but kept on trying to get things right. I can so identify with Peter, too. His heart was in the right place, but he lost sight of Jesus for just a moment. May I/we keep our focus on the right person!
I, too, want to keep my eyes on the right Person.
Ya gotta be kidding me?!!!!!
Ah well.. at least my parents tried!
Did you know the dictionary says this about eddy:
a circular movement of water, counter to a main current, causing a small whirlpool.
swirl 路 whirlpool 路 vortex 路 maelstrom 路 countercurrent 路 counterflow 路 suckhole 路 Charybdis
In other words… an eddy goes nowhere!!!!
SAY WHAT?!!!!!!
I’ll shut up now….
As for the definition of your name, only you can tell us how true it is. 馃檪