July 13

Written by Bill Grandi on July 13th, 2021

Sometimes people say something or write something that rocks my world. Or at least stops me dead in my tracks.

Time for an honest confession: I put a lot into Sunday morning. Study. Research. Study. Reading. Prayer. Practice to an empty auditorium.  Study. Did I say study? 🙂 All for a short (but hopefully not too painful) 20-25 minute span of a Sunday morning. And I have to keep reminding myself that most, if not all, will not remember what I said.

That is why what Bob Goff wrote stopped me dead in my tracks:

Words will never move people the way love does. If our actions are motivated by love, we don’t have to worry about having big platforms or positions of power, because nothing holds a candle to love that has no agenda. (p.233)

Ouch!! I take his words seriously. All my yacking from the pulpit “ain’t worth spit” if I don’t love. Hmmm. Sounds a little like I Cor. 13:1 doesn’t it?

Recently I texted somebody and said, “It is one thing to say you love and another to live it. You live it.” I was dead serious.

I believe it is important to be ready for Sunday morning, don’t get me wrong. But I also think it is important to get to the point of hating the spotlight (it glows off my bald head anyway) and just be a light. To borrow a further thought from Bob: hate the spotlight and just be a light.

“Father, help me to love by living for you. That light will shine brighter than any effort I may make.”


8 Comments so far ↓

  1. Glynn says:

    All of that study, prayer, reading, research, prayer, and study (yes, I said study again) might also be a demonstration of love.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      Never really thought of it that way before Glynn. Thanks for the eye-opening thought.

  2. Ryan S. says:

    I agree with Glynn, I think love comes in many different colors, shapes and sizes. Take the 5 Love Languages for example. For some it is words, for some it is physical, for some it is time, for others it is gifts, and then there are acts of service. No right order, one not better than the other… They just are. We tend to “love” out of our own language. However, I do think your point of motive matters. The spotlight is never a good motive… Eventually the bulb burns out.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      That is a good analogy Ryan. We all love and serve in different ways. But your super point is the last one…the bulb eventually burns out.

  3. Sally Carlson says:

    Bill– I, for one, appreciate your dedication to planning, studying, praying and practicing the weekly message God gives you. You may not think anyone remembers what you say but you might be surprised. Leave that in His hands. And I think the fill-in-the-blank outline helps, for those who utilize it. Coming with an open heart, ready to receive what God has to tell us, is important, too, I believe. Thank you for serving and loving OVCF as you do.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      Thank you so much, Sally, for your very kind words. If honest, I am human enough to wonder if I am getting through. Now I know at least one! 🙂 Thanks for taking the time to comment and boosting my day.

  4. When I hear you preach, Bill, I never, ever get the feeling that the spotlight is on you. I really hear Jesus through your words and reflections on the scriptures.
    May we all be light and love to those around us.

    • Bill Grandi says:

      Thank you Martha for your words. I know the temptation is always there so I pray I don’t block His light. And yes, may we all be His light.